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Stack #158964

question on the integumentary system

what is the skin protecting the body against? ultraviolent rays, regulating body temp, and prventing dehydration
sudoriferous glands produce what? sweat
when sebaceous ductules become blocked, what happens? ance occurs
pil/o hair
primary lesion initial reaction to the altered tissue
secondary lesion changes in the primary level due to infection, scratching, trauma
1st degree burn the epidermis is damaged
2nd degree burn emidermis and dermis damage
3rd degree burn epidermis and dermis are destroyed and some underlying connective tissue demaged
rules of nine how tocalculate the extent of a burn
metastasis cancer running through lymph nodes to form second tumers
basal cell carcinoma the most common cancer from sunlight. it is on the epidermis
sqaumus cell carcinoma cancer that arises from the karatinizing epidermal cells. from to much sunlight
melignant melanoma abnormal melanocytes (moles) rare cancer.
skin test, intradermal test, patch test, scratch test injection to see what the reaction would be (alergic reaction)
debridement remove foreign material from a wound to promote healing
dermabrasion removal of ance scars, tattoos, fine wrinkles through the use of sand paper or wire brushes
fulguration, electrodesiccation tissue destruction by high frequency eletric sparks
cryosurgery use of subfreezing temperature to destroy abnormal tissue. (commonly with liquid nitrogen)
Created by: karen02
Popular Medical sets




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