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WH: Ch 12 & Ch 13


Imperialism policy by which a stronger nation creates an empire by dominating a weaker nation economically, politically, culturally, militarily
White Man's Burden poem by Rudyard Kipling that expresses the view of paternalism toward native cultures
economic, political, military, humanitarian, Scoail Darwinism reasons for imperialism
Social Darwinism belief that certain nations and races are superior to others; survival of the fittest cultures
paternalistic the system of governing a country as a father would govern a child
protectorate colony which retains local ruler, but loses independence
Boers Dutch colonists in South Africa
Sierra Leone independent colony in Africa established by the English for freed slaves
Liberia independent colony established by US for freed slaves
missionaries those who brought Christianity to colonies; built schools, medical clinics, churches
Dr. David Livingstone English explorer and missionary who crisscrossed Africa, writing abouth their cultures and trying to end the slave trade
Henry Stanley journalist who went to Central Africa, looking for Dr. Livingstone
Boer War conflict fought between Boers and English over land in Africa that had diamonds and gold
Ethiopia African nation ruled by Menelik II that defeated and ended the Italian invasion
balance of trade the difference between how much a country exports compared to how much it imports
trade surplus exports are greater than imports (good)
trade deficit imports are greater thatn exports (bad)
Opium War conflict between British and China over importation of opium in trade for tea; Chinese lost
Treaty of Nanjing treaty that ended the Opium War; China lost Hong Kong to British; China required to open ports to trade
Taiping Rebellion Chinese peasant revolt; 20-30 million Chinese died
Sino-Japanese War war between China and Japan; China was defeated and loses Taiwan to Japan; Europeans move in to carve up "spheres of influence"
sphere of influence areas of economic and political control
Open Door Policy US policy requiring trading rights in China
Boxer Rebellion nationalist Chinese known as the Righteous Harmonious Fists rebel against foreign influence; multinational forces defeat Boxers
Admiral Perry admiral sent to Japan to open ports to US trade
Singapore SE Asian country known as Malaya which becomes British colony
Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia SE Asian countries known as Indochina which become French colonies
Thailand SE Asian country known as Siam which remains independent (buffer zone, played Britain against France)
Spanish American War war between Spain and US that begins in Havana harbor (Cuba) over the sinking of the USS Maine
Philippines Pacific islands (Spanish colony) that are the site of first battle of Spanish American War; will not gain independence from US until 1946
Aguinaldo leader of Philippine Insurrection against US control of the Philippines
bases for supplies (coaling stations), strategic locations, business investments reasons for US imperialism in PAcific
Queen Liliokalani monarch of Hawaii who was deposed by Sanford Dole
Sanford Dole US investor who had plantations in Hawaii
Santa Anna Mexican general who clashed with US settlers in Texas; loses and the settlers establish Republic of Texas
Mexican American War caused by US annexation of Texas; Mexico loses and cedes land to US
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo results in the Mexican Cession (California, Arizona, New Mexico and US/Mexico border)
mercantilism theory that colonies are a source of raw materials and a market for finished products
Monroe Doctrine US policy that told Europe to not interfere in Latin America
Platt Amendment amendment to the Cuba constitution that gave the US naval bases in Cuba and the right to intervene in Cuban affairs
Roosevelt Corollary an addition to the Monroe Doctrine; US becomes an international police power"
Panama Canal built by the UNited States to join the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean through the Isthmus of Panama
Columbia Latin American nation that formerly owned the Isthmus of Panama
Big Stick Theory Roosevelt belief: speak softly and carry a big stick"; policy in Latin America
Created by: dotsspots
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