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Misc Voc.-10th (extr

B.C.E. "Before Common Era", dates count up from 0
C.E. "Common Era", dates count down to 0
dynasty ruling family
empire people/civilization governed by a single ruler
prehistory before written history
classical civilization nickname for Ancient Greece and Rome
dynasty cycle rise and fall of ruling families in China
Mandate of Heaven Chinese belief that rulers got the right to rule from the gods
polis Greek city-state
dharma caste rules of Hinduism and Buddhism
filial piety respecting ones parents under Confucianism
karma life actions under Hinduism and Buddhism
synagogue Jewish place of worship
epidemic disease that affects a large area, ex: Black Death
fief land given by the lord to a vassal
bushido samurai code
secular non-religious action
circumnavigate traveling around the world, ex: Magellan
Smallpox disease brought by European to the Americas during the Age of Exploration
Enlightenment thinkers John Locke, Montesquieu, Rousseau, Adam Smith, Voltaire
natural rights Enlightenment idea that people have a right to life, liberty, and property
encomienda document issued by the Spanish kings that forced the natives of the Americas to work on plantations
Social Darwinism the idea of "survival of the fittest" is used to explain stronger countries taking over weaker countries
realpolitik making political decisions based on the end justifies the means
rotten boroughs rural British towns that had no citizens but received a vote in Parliament
Russification forcing people to act Russian (language and customs)
spheres of influence areas of control
Pan-Slavism Russia's belief that is should defend all Slavic people
self-determination right to rule oneself
total war war that required all of a nation's resources
soviet council of workers that ruled Russian cities and were led by the Communist Party
island hopping US attack only the Japanese islands that would help them during World War Two and ignored those that were less valuable
kamikaze Japanese suicide pilots
guerrilla warfare hit and run military attacks
detente decrease in tension between the US and Soviet Union during the Cold War
mutually assured destruction idea of the Cold War that the world would be destroyed if nuclear weapons were used
containment US policy to stop the spread of communism around the world
nonalignment when a country stays neutral
AIDS disease that kills millions of people in Africa every year
Blood Diamonds diamonds that are sold to pay for weapons in Africa
Islamic fundamentalism belief that Islam should control all parts of society
Created by: Moschak
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