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Unit 16 - 10th

Unit 16: Cold War (required)

Berlin Wall (origin, cause) built in the East German capital by the Soviet Union to keep communist citizens from leaving
Cold War (opposing groups, characteristics) conflict between the US and the Soviet Union where neither side directly attacked each other because of their nuclear weapons
communism economic system where the government owns all property and makes all economic decisions, ex: Soviet Union, Cuba, North Korea
Cuban Missile Crisis (cause, result) conflict that began when the Soviet Union placed atomic bombs in Cuba off the coast of the US, it ended when the Soviet decided to remove the atomic bombs
democracy political system where the government is elected and ran by the citizens, ex: US, Britain
Great Leap Forward (origin, results) program began by Mao Zedong in China that aimed to increase farm and industrial production
Iron Curtain imaginary line between the democratic (US supported) Western Europe and the communist (Soviet supported) Eastern Europe
Killing Fields mass graves created in Cambodia as a result of Pol Pot's genocide
market economy another name for capitalism
Mikhail Gorbachev Soviet leader who encourage the reforms of glasnost and perestroika that would lead to the end of the Soviet Union
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) military alliance of the US and Western Europe
Pol Pot Communist dictator of Cambodia who led a genocide of over 1 million citizens
Sputnik I first satellite created by the Soviet Union
superpower world power
Created by: Moschak
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