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anteroom the area of the sterile compounding lab that is used for hand washing and garbing, staging of components, order entry, CSP labeling, and other high-particulate-generating activities
asepsis the absence of pathogenic microorganisms
attenuated virus a weakened virus contained in some vaccines as opposed to a live or inactive virus
autoclave a device that generates heat and pressure to sterilize objects
bacterium a small, single-celled microorganism that can exist in three main forms, depending on type: spherical (i.e., cocci), rod-shaped (i.e., bacilli), and spiral (i.e., spirochetes)
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) a governmental agency that provides guidelines and recommendations on health care, including infection control
clean room an area that includes the staging areas and the LAFWs; also called the IV room or buffer area
compounded sterile preparation (CSP) a sterile product that is prepared outside the pharmaceutical manufacturer's facility, typically in a hospital or compounding pharmacy
direct compounding area (DCA) the sterile, compounding area of the LAFW, in which the concentration of airborne particles is controlled with a HEPA filter providing ISO Class 5 air quality
disinfectant a chemical applied to an object or topically to the body for sterilization purposes, such as rubbing alcohol
epidemic the occurrence of more cases of disease (such as the flu) than expected in a given area or among a specific group of people over a particular period
expiration date the date after which a manufacturer's product should not be used
fungus a single-celled organism similar to human cells that is marked by a rigid cell wall, reproduction by spores, and the absence of chlorophyll; feeds on living organisms (or on dead organic material)
germ theory of disease the idea that microorganisms cause diseases
hand hygiene the use of special dry, alcohol-based rinses, gels, or foams that do not require water
hand washing the use of plain or antiseptic soap and water with appropriate time and technique
healthcare-associated infection (HAI) an infection that a patient acquires as a result of treatment in a healthcare facility; also called a nosocomial infection
high-efficiency particulate airflow (HEPA) filter a device used with LAFWs to filter out most particulate matter and to establish an aseptic environment in which to prepare parenteral products
horizontal laminar airflow workbench (LAFW) a type of hood that is used to prepare IV drug admixtures, nutrition solutions, and other parenteral products aseptically
infection control committee (ICC) a hospital committee that provides leadership in relation to infection control policies
International Organization for Standardization (ISO) a classification system to measure the amount of particulate matter in room air; the lower the ISO number, the less particulate matter is present in the air
microbiology the study of microorganisms
microorganism a living microscopic organism or microbe such as bacteria, fungi, protozoa, or virus
pandemic an epidemic that occurs across several countries and affects a sizable portion of the population in each country
pasteurization a sterilization process designed to kill most bacteria and mold in milk and other liquids
phlebitis an inflammation of the veins often caused by microparticulate contamination
protozoan a single-celled organism that inhabits water and soil
sharp a used needle, which can be a source of infection
spontaneous generation an erroneous belief in the seventeenth century that some forms of life could arise spontaneously from matter; for example, that maggots could arise from decaying flesh
stability the chemical and physical characteristics of the CSP, such as pH, degradation, formation of precipitates (or salts), or unexpected color changes
sterility the absence of all microorganisms
sterilization a process that destroys the microorganisms on a substance
universal precautions procedures followed in healthcare settings to prevent infection as a result of exposure to blood or other bodily fluids
USP Chapter 797 guidelines on the sterility and stability of CSPs developed by the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) that have become standards for hospital accreditation
vertical laminar airflow workbench (LAFW) a type of hood that offers additional protection for both the sterile compounding technician and the environment when aseptically compounding toxic chemicals; examples include a biological safety cabinet and a compounding aseptic containment isolator
virus a minute infectious agent that does not have all of the components of a cell and thus can replicate only within a living host cell
Created by: softcrylic
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