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Med Term's Prefixes

Medical terminology Prefixes 1-68

Adip- fat- adipose tissue
Amyl- starch- amylolysis
An- without- anaerobic-without oxygen
Ana- up- anabolic
Angio/vaso- Blood or lymph vessels- angioplasty/vasomotor (?vasosmamn?)
Append- to hang something- appendicular
Auri/Oto- Ear- Auricular/Otoclerosis
Ax- the axis- axillary or axial skeleton
Blephar- eyelid- blepharoplasty means eyelid surgery
Brachi- arm- brachial plexus
Brachy- short- brachycardia
Brady- slow- bradycardia
Bronch- airway- bronchitis means inflammation of airway
Bucc- cheek- buccal means pretains to cheek
Cardio- heart- cardiogram-recording of the heart
Carp- wrist- carpals or carpometacarpal joint
Cephal- head- cephalic/cephalad
Chondra- cartliage- chondroblast/chondroclast
Cost/pleur- chest/ribs- intercostal; pleural
Crani- skull- cranium
Cysto/vesic- bladder/vessels- cystitis/vesical
Cyt- cell- cytology-study of cells
Dactyl- finger/toe- dactylitis
De- away from; down; not- dehydration
Derm- skin- dermis
Dors- Back- Dorsal
Endo- inside/within- endocrine; endoplasmic
Epi- upon, over at, addition to, after- epithelial; epidermis
Exo- out, outside of/exterior, without- exocrine
Extra- Outside of, beyond, withouth- extracellular
Gastr/Lapar- stomach, abdominal wall; flank- Gastric, Laparoscapy
Glyco- sugar- glycogenisis, glycogen
Hema/Sangui- blood- hematoma, hemaphelic, hematology
Hepat- liver- hepatic, hepatatisis
Homeo- likeness; resemlance; constant unchanging state- hommeostasis
Hydro- water-Hydrogen, hydrothearphy
Hyper- above; excessive; beyond- hypertension
Hypo- less than; below or under; beneath; deficient- hypotension
Inter- between; in the midst- intercostals
Intra- within; in; into-inside
Iso- equal-isometric
Lacri- Hears- lacriduct, lacrial
Lact- milk- lactation; lactos
Lingu/Gloss tongue- linqual; glossotomy
Lip- fat- lipids, lipedema
Macro- large- Macroscopic, Macrophage
Mammo/Masto- breast- Mammogram, mastctamy, mammatitomy
Melan- black- melanoma-means black tumor
Myo- muscle- myosin, myositis
Nephr/Ren- kidney- nephropathy the disease of the kidney. renal
Oculo/Ophthalm- eye- oculomotor, oculonasal, ophalmist
Odont- tooth; teeth- odontalgia- pain in tooth
Oophor/Oo- Ovary; egg, ovum- oophorectomy the removal of ovary. oocyte the egg
Oss- bone- ossicle a small bone
Para- beside- parathryroid
Patho- disease- pathology
Ped/Pod- foot- pedicure; podiagist
Peri- around- pericardium
Phleb/Ven- vein- phlebatomy. venous; venopucture
Pseudo- false- pseudoarthrosis a false joint
Rhino- nose- rhinoplasty
Stoma- mouth-stomatitis
Thorac/Stern- chest-thoracic; sternum
Thromb- blood clot-thrombous
Trache- trachea; windpipe, neak region- tracheitis, tracheaostomy
Uter/Salphing- uterus-uteral; fillopian tube-salphingectomy
Vagin/Colp- vagina- vaginal, colposcopy the visual expection of the vigina
Tachy- fast- trachycardia
Micro- small
Created by: vrock
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