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Chapter 8

Nervous System

olfactory cranial sensory; smell
optic sensory; vision
oculomotor motor; movement of eyes
trochlear motor; move eyes
trigeminal sensory/motor; eyes, tear, scalp, forehead, lips, gums, teeth, muscle of mouth
abducen motor; muscle conditioning
facial sensory/motor; taste expression tear and salviary
vestibulocochlear sensory;equilibrium, hearing
glossopharyngeal sensory.motor; pharynx tonsils, tongue,
vagus sensory/motor; speech swallowing heart/smooth muscles
accessory motor; soft palate pharynx, larynx, neck, back
hypoglossal motor; move tongue
acetylochoine stimultaes cells
afferent neuro sensory organs to cns
arachnoid middle layer of meninges
astrocyte, astroglia maintain nutrient and chemical levels in neurons
autonomic nervous system pns, impulses from involuntary muscles
axon conducts nerve impuls away from cell body
basal ganglia gray matter within in cerebrum
brain controls bodys functions
brainstem 1/4 controls heart lung and visual functions
cell body branches to reach out to send or recieve
cns brain and spinal cord
cerebellum 1/4 coordinates musculoskeletal system
cerebral cortex outer portion of cerebrum
cerebrospinal fluid throughout brain and spinal cord
cerebrum 1/4 emotions, memory, conscious, morals, sensory interpretation
conducivity abilitiy to transmit signal
convultions; gyri folds in cerebral cortex;
corpus callosum connecsts two hemisphers
cranial nerves 12 pairs carry impulses to and from brain
cranium bony structure brain sits in
dendrite branches conduct impulses towards cell body
diencephalon 1/4 deep portion of brain; hypothalamus
durameter outermost layer of meninges
efferent neurons impulses to and from brain to muscles
epidural space area between pia mater and bones
epithalamus part of diencephalon; sesnory relay station
excitability ability to respond to stimuli
fissure;sulcus indentations of cerebrum
frontal lobe 1/4 parstof hemisphere
hypothalamus part of diencephalon; sensory relay station
interneuron carries and processes sensory information
medulla oblagata regulates heart and lung functions, swallowing, vomiting coughing and sneezing
meninges 3 layers of cover and protect brain and spinal cord
microglia remove debris
midbrain brainstem involved in visual reflexes
myelin sheth fatty tissue covering axon
nerve bundle ofneurons; electrical message thru out body
nerve impulse released energy which is recieved and transmitted to provoke response
neurilemma covering protects myelin sheath
neuroglia doesnt transmit impulses
neurotransmitters tiny sacs at end of axon
occipital lobe hemisphere of cerebrum
oligodendroglia produces myelin and helps support neurons
parasympathetic ans; operates when body in homeostasis
parietal lobe hemisphere in cerebrum
pia mater innermost layer of meninges
pons brainstem; controls respiratory functions
receptor receives nerve impulses
somatic ns pns; recieves and processes sensory input
spinal cord ropelike tissue inside vertebral column
spinal nerves 31 pairs; carry messages to and from spinal cord
stimulus arouses response
subdural area between dura meter and pia mater
sumpathetic ns ans operates body under stress
ynapse space which ipulses jump from one neuron to the next
temporal lobe hemisphere in cerebrum
terminal end fibers end of xon pass impulse to next neuron
thalamus part of diencephalon;relay station for senses
ventral thalamus part of diencephalon; sensory relay station
ventricle cavity in brain for verebrospinal fluid
cerebello cerebellum
cerebro cerebrum
crani cranium
encephalo brain
ganglio ganglion
glio neuroglia
meningo meninges
myelo bone marrow; spinal cord
neuro nerve
thalmo thalamus
spino spine
vago vagus nerve
ventriculo venrticle
ach acetlyocholine
als amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
bbb blood brain barrier
cns cenral nervous system
cp cerebral palsy
csf cerebrospinal fluid
ct computerized tomography
cva cerebrovascular accident
cdc cerebrovascular disease
pns peripheral nervous system
babinskis reflex reflex on plantar surface of foot
cerebral anigogram xray of brain blood vessels
ct radiogrpahic imaging; cross sectional scan
electroencephalogram electrical impulses of brain
encephalogram radiographic study of ventricles in brain
evoked potetials electrical wave patterns observed during eeg
lumbar puntuce withdrawal of cerbrospinal fluid tween lumbar vertebrae
myelogram xray of spinal cord
nerve conduction velocity timing of conductivity of electrical shck administered to pn
pet imaging o brain using raioactive isotopes
polysomnography electrical and movement patterns during sleep
reflex involuntary contration due to stimulus
spect brain image produced by radioactive isotopes
transcranial sonogram brain images produced by sound waves
absence seizure epileptic bried disorientation of environment
agnosia inability to recieve and understand outside stimuli
alzheimers degenerativ brain disease
amnesia loss of memory
amyotrophic later sclerosis disease of motor neurons loss of muscular control and death
aneurysm widening of artery wall bursts and releases blood
aphasia speech loss
apraxia inability to properly use familiar objects
astrocytoma glioma fromed from astrocytes
ataxia uncoordinated voluntary movement
aura group of symptoms preced a seizure
bacteria/pyrogenic meningitis meningitis caused by bacterionb
bells palsy paralysis of one side of face
brain contusion bruising of surface of brain without penetration
cereellitis inflammation of cerebellum
cerebral infarction; cerbrovascular accident; stroke incident caused by disruption in normal blood supply to brain
cerebral pasly damage to cerebrum during birth lack of motor coordination
coma deep sleep with little response to stimuli
concussion brain injury
dementia deterioration in mental capacity
demyelimation destruction of myelin sheath
dopamine substance to relieve symptoms in parkinsons
duritis inflammation of dura mater
dysphasia speech difficulty
embolic strok stroke caused by embolus
encephalitis inflammation of brain
epilepsy chronic recurrent seizure activity
fainting; syncope loss of consciousness due to lack of oxygen
gangliitis inflammation of ganglion
gait manner of walking
glioblastoma multiforme most malignant type of glioma
gran/tonic clonic seizure severe epileptic seizure with convulsions and twitching
hemorrhagic stroke stroke caused by blood escaping from damage artery
huntingtons chorea hereditary disorder with uncontrollable movements
hydrocephalus overproduction of fluid in brain
meningioma tumor rises rom meninges
meningitis inflammation of meninges
meningocele spina bifida cystica; protrusion of spinal meninges above surface of skin
meningomyelocele spina bifida; protrusion of meninges and spinal cord above surface of skin
multiple sclerosis disease loss of myelin, muscle weakness
myasthenia gravis overproduction of antibodys block vertain neurotransmitters
myelitis inflammation of spinal cord
narcolepsy uncontrollable laspses into deep sleep
neuritis inflammation of nerves
occlusion blocking of vessel
oligodendroglioma gliokma formed from oligodendroglia
palsy parallysis
paresthesia abnormal sensation
parkinsons disease degeneration of nerves cuz lack of suffiecient dopamine
radiculitis inflammaiton of spinal nerve roots
sciatica inflammation of sciatic nerve
shingles viral disease affecting pn
somnambulism sleep walk
somnolence extreme sleepiness
spina bifida congenital defect of spine
tay sachs disease hearditary; deterioration in cns
thrombotic stroke stroke caused by thrombus
tics twithcing movements accompanied by nervous disorders
touretter syndrome uncontrollable speech sounds and tics
transient ischemic attack short incident
viral meningitis meningitis caused by virus
cordotomy removing part of spinal cord
craniectomy removal of part of skull
craniotomy incision into skll
lobectomy removal of portion of brain
lobotomy incision into frontal lobe of brain
neurectomy removal of nerve
neuroplasty repair of nerve
neurorrhaphy suturing of severed nerve
neurosurgeon specialist who performs surgery on brain and spinal cord
neurotomy dissection of nerve
stereotaxy surgery destruction of deep seated brain structures using 3d coordinates to locate
trephination circular incision into skull
vagotomy severing of vagus nerve
analgesic relieves pain
anesthic loss of feeling or sensation
anticonfulsant prevents convulsion
hypnotic induces sleep
narcotic relieves pain by inducing stuporous state
saditive relieves feeling of agitation
Created by: cs3516
Popular Medical sets




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