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Social Studies


How did people adjust to life in the Arabian Desert? Moved from place to place; became herders, nomads
How did people adjust to life in the oasis enviroment? Settled, traded with nomads, farmed
What is a person that moves from place to place? Nomads
What is a group of people that are related to each other? Clans
Why was the Arabian Penninsula well situated for trade? Surrounded by bodies of water in between 3 continents-unique resources
Who is Muhammad? Founder of Islam; conqured Mecca; took over Ka'aba
What/who is Monotheism/Allah? Belief in one god; Allah- god of Islam
5 Pillars of Islam: Charity, Prayer, Fasting, Pilgrimage(Hajj), declaring your faith
How did the Ummayad Dynasty unify its empire? Arabic language, common money, the hajj pilgrimage
What advancements took place during the Golden Age of the Abbasid Dynasty? Arabic numbering system, books on math and medicine, house of wisdom for professors, paper making
What is the Abbasid Empire's standing army? Controlled the Abbasid Empire in times of war and peace
What happened at the Battle of Tours in 732 CE? Charles Martel and Franks stopped Muslim Empire from expanding into rest of Western Europe
What made Al Andulas and Cordoba the leading city of Europe during the Middle Ages? Gret Mosque, libraries, paved and lighted streets, scientific and medical advancements
What is a savannah? Grassland with scattered trees central and South Africa
Why were rivers important to the survival of Africans? -Major West African River? Irrigation transportation, trade communication. -Niger River
How did Ghana kings of West Africa become wealthy? By taxing trade
Why were people willing to trade salt for gold? Gold needed currency in many empires. Salt was needed to preserve food; as part of a diet
Why did Mali King Mansa Musa bring so much on his pilgrimage to Mecca? To impress others; to establish trade; to encourage people to visit his capitol- Timbuktu
What is a griot? An African story teller who passes down oral history
Kinsip->Village->Kingdom-> Development of an African Kingdom (Urbanization)
What religion did the North African berbers (traders) bring to West Africa Islam
How did Islam influence West African culture during the Middle Ages? Arabic first language, Muslim architecture (Mosque), 5 pillars of Islam
Mali capitol that was a center of trade and learning where the "camel met the canoe"? Timbuktu
Large desert in the Northern section of West Africa? Sahara Desert
What was traded during Kongo and Portugal alliance of the Middle Ages? Kongo got guns, horses, and manufactured goods; Portugal got slaves
King Afonso of the Kongo Kingdom? Afonso cut off the slave trade, but later called on the Portuguese for help when reopened it
Country bordering China in the north that invaded China for its resources? Mongolia
Why did China look to the sea to trade? Traveling west on land was too difficult
What type of people served in the burecracy? Scholars, aristocrates, and foreigners
Civil service exam: Tests scholars had to take for government jobs
China's Golden Age discoveries and advancements: Gunpowder, papermoney, compass, clocks: moveable type
Why did China begin to use papermoney? Coins were too heavy and copper was limited, paper had a bigger supply
Why did that population of China grow rapidly during the Tang and Song dynasties? New and faster rive growing, farming technology
Why were the Mongols able to take over China? Nomadic people could move quickly, excellent fighting and horse riding skills
Why did Mongol Ruler of China Kublai Khan appoint foreigners instead of Chinese to government jobs? Foreigners were more loyal and dependant on him and therefore he could maintain his power
Ways the Ming Dynasty was powerful and successful: Forbidden city, Zheng He fleet, finished the Great Wall of China
Name some causes for the decline and Fall of Roman Empire: military pledged allegiance to generals instead of emperor- slpit into 2 parts: capitol moved from Rome to Constanople
Name of leader and tribe that conqured the remaining part of the Western Roman Empire in 486 and later converted to Christianity: Clouis and the Franks
Name of the Eastern part of the Roman Empire that remained 1,000 yers longer tha the Western part: Byzantine Empire
Term for the split in Christianity over icons that formed the Roman Catholic and Orthdodox groups? Schism
Virtual and political leader of the Roman Catholic Church: Pope
Roman Chatolic Church Pyramid: Pope, cardinal, bishop, preist, nuns and monks
Why as the Roman Catholic Church so powerful? Key to afterlife, pope had control over monarcks, united all of Europe in religion
King of Franks that unified Western Europe by partnering with pope to create the Holy Roman Empire: Charlemagne
People group from Scandinavia that terrorized Europe during the reign of Charlemagne: Vikings
What was the order of the European Feudal pyramid? King, nobles, lords, knights, peasants/serfs
Why did European armies fight the Crusades despite ultimately not gaining land after 9 of them? Take back the Holy land (Jerusalem) from the Muslim Empire
What was the Black Death (the Plague) Plague that went through Europe, killed about 1/3 of people, spread by fleas on rats that come by trade
What rebirth in art, learning, and advancement ended the Middle Ages and brought in the Modern Era? The Renaissance
Created by: stickster25
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