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Cold War Vocab.

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1. Servicemen's Readjustment Act (GI Bill) 1944 Provided education and unemployment compensation for the veterans of WWII.
2. Baby Boom The term used to express the mass number of babies born during the period after WWII by returning veterans and mass elation because of the war ending.
3. Suburban Growth The result of the baby boom and the urge to raise your children away from pollution in a quiet, inviting neighborhood.
4. Sunbelt The southern area of the United States that grew as a result of retiring baby boomers.
5. 22nd Amendment The Amendment that set the presidential term limit to two.
6. Taft Hartley Act (1947)
7. Progressive Party The party that ran Henry Wallace for President in 1948, advocating an end to segregation, universal government health insurance, and full black voting rights.
8. State Rights Party (Dixiecrats) The socially conservative party that ran Strom Thurmond for President in 1948 and won 4 states.
9. Fair Deal A term used by Truman to signify the importance of universal health care.
10. Cold War The conflict between the USSR and the USA that consisted of no physical conflicts, but threats, blockades, and espionage.
11. United Nations A federation of over 100 countries that oversees international regulations and conflicts.
12. World Bank An internationally supported and maintained bank that provides assistance to developing countries.
13. Iron Curtain The boundary between eastern and western Europe that lasted from the end of WWII until the end of the Cold War.
14. Winston Churchill The decorated British Prime Minister from 1940
15. George Kennan An American advisor that played an important role in the negotiations of the Cold War. He is notable for “The Long Telegram” and The Marshall Plan.
16. Dean Acheson The U.S. Secretary of State that helped outline the United States of America’s foreign policy during the Cold War.
17. Containment Policy A policy that was used in hopes of stopping the collapse of nations to communism.
18. Truman Doctrine The policy to aid Turkey and Greece from falling to Soviet Communism.
19. Marshall Plan A plan defining how the USA would help rebuild Europe. This plan was mostly the work of Kennan and Clayton.
20. Berlin Airlift The plan to airlift supplies to the nearly blockaded Berlin.
21. NATO A pact between many countries in the North Atlantic that declared mutual defense if one of its members was attacked by an external force.
22. National Security Act (1947) An action that reorganized US troops, the foreign policy, and Intelligence Community.
23. The Arms Race During the Cold War, the Arms Race was about developing mass amounts of powerful nuclear weapons.
24. Douglas MacArthur An American General that protected Hirohito and the imperial family after WWII.
25. Chiang Kai shek
26. Mao Zedong The chairman of the Communist Party of China that ruled from ‘45
27. People’s Republic of China The single
28. Korean War A conflict between North and South Korea during 1950
29. 38th Parallel The boundary between warring Northern and Southern Korea.
30. Dennis et al. v. United States A case involving the Communist Party in the US regarding the extensiveness of the First Amendment.
31. McCarran Internal Security Act (1950) The Act that resulted in the forced registration of Communist parties within the US.
32. House Un American Activities Committee
33. Alger Hiss U.S. Official that was accused of being a Soviet Spy in 1948.
34. Whittaker Chambers A communist, Soviet spy that testified against Alger Hiss.
35. Rosenberg Case A couple found guilty of providing Atomic Bomb related documents to the Soviets.
36. Joseph McCarthy A U.S. Senator and intense anti
37. Dwight Eisenhower The 34th President of the United States and the first Supreme Commander of NATO.
38. Modern Republicanism The idea of a government system with a focus on liberty, rule of law, popular sovereignty and the civic virtue practiced by citizens.
39. Interstate Highway Act A bill passed by Eisenhower that created the modern interstate highway system over a twenty year time span.
40. John Foster Dulles The Secretary of State from 1953
41. Third World The name given to countries that are developing out of an unstable government, low economy, and ancient technological era.
42. Geneva Conference A meeting between sixty
43. Ho Chi Minh The Prime Minister and President of North Vietnam that led them throughout the war against South Vietnam.
44. Vietnam An Asian country that was the site of a major conflict between communists and anti
45. Domino Theory The theory that communist countries would cause neighboring nations to fall to communism until the world was communist.
46. Eisenhower Doctrine A policy that required Congress to give its power to declare war to the President and provided aid to anti
47. OPEC A group of twelve countries that helps stabilize international oil prices.
48. Open Skies Crisis
49. Nikita Khrushchev The post
50. Sputnik The world’s first artificial satellite put into orbit by the Soviet Union.
51. NASA The United States’ association in charge of space associated projects.
52. U 2 Incident
53. Fidel Castro The rising Cuban dictator that received arms from Russia.
54. Military Industrial Complex
55. Jackie Robinson A phenomenal African
56. NAACP An organization that fights for civil freedoms for the black population.
57. Desegregation The movement of whites and blacks into the same school buildings and facilities to help stop racism.
58. Brown v. Topeka Board of Education A controversial case in the 1950’s that outlawed racial segregation of public facilities.
59. Earl Warren The Justice during Brown v. Topeka Board of Education. (blank)
60. Civil Rights Acts of 1957 and 1960 Two suffrage laws that declared it illegal to deny a US citizen the right to vote.
61. Civil Rights Commission The commission given the job of investigating civil rights issues across the US.
62. SCLC A civil rights organization headed by MLK Jr. wanting desegregation.
63. Sit in Movement
64. SNCC A student organized group that arranged sit
65. David Riesman, The Lonely Crowd A sociological book from 1950 that encourages how humans socialize with one another with “inner
66. John Kenneth Galbraith, The Affluent Society A post
67. Beatniks A stereotypical cartoon that provided media satire in the 1950s.
68. John F. Kennedy The USA’s 35th President that worked on overthrowing the Cuban regime until his assassination in 1963.
69. New Frontier JFK’s program to provide international aid, national defense, and to boost the economy and space program.
70. Peace Corps A volunteer organization that provides help to countries in need and promote a better understanding of Americans in the countries they serve.
71. Bay of Pigs An unsuccessful attempt by the USA to overthrow Cuba’s government.
72. Cuban Missile Crisis (1962) The political turmoil caused by the spontaneous decision of the USSR to supply Cuba with medium
73. Flexible Response A plan that called for mutual deterrence at strategic, tactical, and conventional levels proposed by John F. Kennedy.
74. Warren Commission The group assigned the job of investigating the sudden assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
75. Lyndon Johnson The President that gained office after the JFK assassination and continued assisting the fight for civil rights for African
76. Great Society A series of programs focusing on the elimination of poverty and racial injustice.
77. War of Poverty The program during the 1950s to provide federal funds to the poverty
78. Michael Harrington, The Other America A book that provides an in
79. Medicare, Medicaid The US health program that provides health insurance to citizens who are 65 and over or meet other special criteria.
80. Ralph Nader, Unsafe at Any Speed A book from 1965 that explained how car manufacturers were reluctant to provide safety features in their cars. It helped start the movement to add safety belts, airbags, and more.
81. Rachel Carson, Silent Spring Published in 1962, this book is known for sparking the environmental movement.
82. Civil Rights Act of 1964 The bill that legally ended racial segregation in schools, public places, and the workplace.
83. 24th Amendment The 1964 Amendment that made it illegal to deny voting rights to people that can’t pay the poll tax.
84. Voting Rights Act of 1965 Outlawed the discriminatory voting practices being used against African
85. James Meredith A civil rights movement figure that became the first black student at the University of Mississippi.
86. Black Muslims A discriminated against group of blacks that were forced to abandon their religion until the civil rights movement.
87. Malcolm X A civil rights activist that, unlike MLK Jr., advocated some violence to get the liberties that they deserved.
88. CORE The “Congress of Racial Equality” was a civil rights organization headed by Roy Innis.
89. Stokely Carmichael A civil rights activist that was the first president of SNCC.
90. Black Panthers A Marxist political party that promoted Black Power and self
91. Watts Riots A serious race riot in LA that killed 34 and injured 1032 people.
92. Kerner Commission A small group ordered to investigate the causes of the 1967 riots.
93. Gideon v. Wainwright A famous case that resulted in the ruling that state courts need to provide attorneys for those that can’t afford them.
94. Escobedo v. Illinois The US court case ruling that criminal suspects have a right to an attorney during police interrogations.
95. Miranda v. Arizona One of the most famous Supreme Court cases that involved the ruling that convicted felons must be given their “Miranda Rights” before prosecution.
96. Baker v. Carr A Supreme Court ruling that the Judicial Branch may intervene in and decide apportionment cases.
97. Yates v. U.S. A free speech case defining the difference having a idea to do something and encouraging people to do something.
98. Engel v. Vitale Another ruling that public schools can’t have a school prayer.
99. New Left The movement to lose focus on “Union Activism” and adopt the newer form of “Social Activism.”
100. Counterculture A youth movement that is the opposite of what is currently mainstream. Some examples are Beatniks, Hippies, and Punks.
101. Sexual Revolution A cultural movement that advocated “Free Love” and abortions.
102. Betty Friedan, The Feminine Mystique A popular feminist book that was outraged at the idea that women were meant to be mothers and housekeepers.
103. National Organization for Women The largest American feminist organization with over half a million members and chapters in all 50 states.
104. Vietnam War A war based on political differences between South and North Vietnam. The jungle warfare caused many veterans to relive the conditions unexpectedly.
105. Tonkin Gulf Resolution It allowed the President Johnson to send troops to South Vietnam without a declaration of war by Congress.
106. Tet Offensive A military attack by the Vietcong (North Vietnamese forces) against military and civilian command and control centers in an attempt to win the war instantly.
107. Hawks and Doves A Hawk is somebody that is pro
108. Eugene McCarthy The U.S. Senator known chiefly for his advocacy against the Vietnam War. He is also known for running for President five times.
109. Robert Kennedy One of JFK’s younger brothers, this US Senator was assassinated after winning the democratic primaries over McCarthy.
110. George Wallace A US Senator that is known for his idiocy in advocating segregation in public and schools. He ran for President four times and never won.
111. Henry Kissinger The Secretary of State from 1973 to 1977 that focused on the US’s foreign policy during the Vietnam War.
112. Vietnamization The process of gradually building up South Vietnam’s armed forces and equipping them with more modern weapons in the hope that they can defend themselves from North Vietnam.
113. Nixon Doctrine The doctrine that states that the US expects its allies to defend themselves before they ask for assistance.
114. Kent State An Ohio university where Ohio National Guardsmen firing on rioting students, killing 4 and wounding 9.
115. My Lai The group of 347 South Vietnamese citizens, most women and children, murdered by American forces.
116. Pentagon Papers A 14,000 page top
117. Paris Peace Accords (1973) A document signed by South and North Vietnam, the USA, and the PRG that established a resolution to the conflicts in Vietnam.
118. Détente A French term meaning “a relaxing or easing” that was used in politics during the 1970s involving the Vietnam and Cold Wars.
119. SALT Two rounds of negotiations between the US and the USSR regarding armament control.
120. New Federalism A term that refers to the transfer of US Federal powers to the states.
121. Stagflation An economic situation in which inflation and economic stagnation occur simultaneously.
122. Warren Burger The Supreme Justice that led the courts in United States v. Nixon.
123. Watergate A presidential scandal in which President Richard Nixon was caught hiring men to infiltrate and wiretap without public knowledge.
124. United States v. Nixon The court case that resulted in the first presidential resignation involving Nixon’s attempts to wiretap Democratic party members.
125. War Powers Act (1973) A bill that declared that the President can only send armed forces out with Congress approval.
126. Middle East War (1973) A conflict between Egypt, Syria, Iraq, and Israel that caused a Nuclear Alert.
127. Camp David Accords (1978) A set of agreements from a meeting at Camp David leading to the Israel
128. Iran Hostage Crisis A group of 52 US diplomats that were held hostage by a group of 300
129. Cultural Pluralism A term when small cultural groups keep their culture despite a large mainstream influence.
130. Immigration Reform and Control Act (1986) This bill decreed that it was illegal to hire/recruit illegal immigrants.
131. César Chávez A prominent civil rights activist that helped found the UFW.
132. American Indian Movement An Indian activist organization that ran protests advocating the protection of Indigenous American culture.
133. Indian Self Determination Act of 1975
134. Nuclear Accidents: Three Mile Island and Chernobyl Three Mile Island was the site of a nuclear plant meltdown that, though it killed no one, resulted in significant environmental damage. Chernobyl was the site of a steam explosion that released more fallout than there had been by the bombings of Hiroshima
135. Clear Air Act of 1970 A US bill that forces the EPA to enforce regulations to protect the public from airborne contaminants.
136. Environmental Protection Agency A federal agency in the United States that regulates public safety regarding the air, water, and land.
137. Clean Water Act (1972) A US bill that created goals to eliminates large releases of toxic substances into the water.
138. Conservatism A collection of causes that include family values, the right to life, and the right to bear arms. Ronald Reagan is the usual figure for American conservatism.
139. Religious Fundamentalists A term that refers to the total commitment to religious authority.
140. PACS A political action committee is a private group that tries to help or hurt govt. officials or legislation.
141. Moral Majority A Christian political organization that advocated Christian
142. Roe v. Wade A US Supreme Court case that outlawed laws preventing abortion.
143. “Reverse Discrimination” The act of favoring a historically discriminated against group over a group that didn’t receive such discrimination.
144. Regents of University of California v. Bakke A US Supreme Court decision that quota systems in college admissions were unconstitutional.
145. Supply Side Economics
146. Reaganomics A plan to reduce government spending, reduce tax rates, reduce govt. regulation of the economy, and to control the money supply.
147. Sandra Day O’Connor The first women to serve on the Supreme Court. She was appointed by Ronald Reagan and served for 25 years.
148. Jesse Jackson; Rainbow Coalition The US senator that founded the organization that pursued social justice, civil rights, and political activism.
149. Nicaragua: Sandinistas A socialist political party that ruled Nicaragua from 1979 to 1990.
150. Iran contra Affair
151. PLO The Palestine Liberation Organization that was created to overthrow the State of Israel violently.
152. Mikhail Gorbachev The President of the Soviet Union that helped bring the Cold War to a overdue close.
153. Glasnost, Perestroika Programs in the USSR to fight corruption and the abuse of privilege by political classes.
154. Tiananmen Square The site of a massacre of protesters that wanted democracy. There were a staggering estimated 6000 civilian casualties.
155. Soviet Union Breakup Led by Gorbachev, the communist country withdrew its troops and tore down the Berlin Wall.
156. Boris Yeltsin The first president of Russia that served from 1996
157. Panama Invasion The successful 1989 invasion that deposed the Panamanian dictator. Administered by President George H. W. Bush.
158. Persian Gulf War The battle between Iraq and the UN, headed by the US and the UK during 1990
159. Saddam Hussein The dictator of Iraq, he is believed to have trained terrorists and secretly own Weapons of Mass Destruction.
160. Americans with Disabilities Act (1990) A new civil rights law that prohibits discrimination based on disability.
161. 27th Amendment Pay increases to members of Congress may only start after a new term has started.
162. North American Free Trade Agreement (1993) Initiated the trilateral trade bloc between the US, Mexico, and Canada. It is the largest trade bloc in the world.
163. “Ethnic Cleansing” A term referring to the expulsion or murdering of an ethnic minority by an ethnic majority.
164. Nuclear Proliferation A term used to describe the international spread of countries with or in the process of obtaining nuclear weapons.
Created by: 10cbiedenharn
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