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Iraq and Arabia

Details about the region where Islam was born and spread

Fossil fuels Fuel sources like oil, coal, and natural gas which are made of fossilized remains of living things
Desalination The removal of salt from seawater to make it fresh and useable
Urbanization The concentration of an area's population into cities and towns; the more heavily urbanized somewhere is, the higher the percentage of people who live in cities and towns
Majority The largest part of something; an ethnic group which holds the highest percentage of population in a region
Monotheism The belief that there is only one God
Quaran The Islam holy book; equivalent to the Bible in Islam religion
Kaaba A sacred place of Islam worship in the city of Mecca; Muhammad destroyed all idols in the Kaaba to make it a temple for the one Islam god
Caliph The political and religious leader of the Muslims
Mosque A place of worship for Islam
Dictator One who single-handedly controls an entire country or region; has absolute control over the land they rule and the people in it
Fundamentalism The belief that holy books should be taken very literally, word for word
Entrepreneurship The will and the courage to take the risks of starting a business
Jihad Arabic for "struggle;" could be interpreted as an internal struggle to become better as a person or as a violent struggle
Hijab Traditional baggy garments worn by many Arab women to conceal their bodies
Terrorism The use of violence to create fear for political reasons
Diversifying an economy Changing a country or region's economy from relying on one or two sources of income to many sources
Osman Bey, leader of the ____ empire, conquered this civilization: Ottoman; Byzantine
Created by: branimalk
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