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Mady Ashcraft

Ch. 7-8

What began the Mauryan Empire? Chandragupta Maurya gathered an army, killed the unpopular Nanda king, and claimed throne in about 321 B.C.
What is the Arthasatra? A rulers handbook written by Kautilya and proposed tough minded policies to hold an empire together.
What happened around 305 B.C. Chandragupta began a battle with Seleucus 1, one of Alexander's generals.
Who was Asoka? And what did he do? Asoka was Chandragupta's grandson and he brought the Mauryan Empire to its greatest heights.
What is religious toleration? Religious toleration is the acceptance of people who held different religious beliefs.
How did Asoka make travel easier? He had extensive roads and improved the conditions of these roads so travel was easier.
What is Tamil? Tamil is the language of the Tamil people and can also be the name of the Tamil people.
Gupta Empireā€¦ India's second empire.
What is the difference between the Mahayana and Theravada sections? The Mahayana section is the people who were accepted and the Theravada section is the place who held the Buddah's stricter, original teachings. It is also named Hinayana, but most people prefer Thervada.
What are stupas? Stupas are mounded stone structures built over holy relics.
Who were the three most important Hindu gods? And what were they known for? Brahma the creator of the world, Vishnu the preserver of the world, and Shiva the destroyer of the world.
Who is Kalidasa? One of India's greatest writers and is most famous for his okay Shakuntala.
Who calculated the value of pi? An Indian names Aryabhata.
What were the Silk Roads? A vast network of caravan routes traders used to bring back silk from China to Western Asia and then on to Rome.
Indians built trading stations along the Silk Roads. Where were they located? They were located at oases, which are fertile spots in desert areas.
Traders from southern India would sail to where for spices? They would travel to Southeast Asia for spices.
What was the Han Dynasty and when did it start? The Han Dynasty ruled China for over 400years and us divided into two periods. It started around 202 B.C.
What is centralized government? It is when a central authority controls the running of a state.
How did Lui Bang win popular support? He departed from Shi Huangdi's strict legalism.
Who became emperor when Lui Bang died in 195 B.C.? His son became emperor.
Why was Wudi called the "Martial Emperor" He was called that because he adopted the policy of expanding the Chinese empire through war.
The early Han emperors tried to buy off the Xiongnu by sending them what? They sent them thousands of pounds of silk, rice, alcohol, and money, but the Xiongnu just accepted the. And continued their raids.
What was a cilvil service? Civil service were government jobs that civilians obtained by taking examinations.
When was paper invented? Paper was invented in 105 B.C.
What was assimilation? Assimilation was the process of making conquered people's part of a Chinese culture.
What was the Sahara desert? One of the largest deserts. The Sahara and Kalahari were the two largest deserts.
What is a savanna? Grassy plains
What percent does the savanna cover? 40 percent
In the savanna what seasons were alternating often? Dry seasons were alternating with rainy seasons often.
When do experts believe agriculture started? They be,I've that it started in 6000 B.C.
Why did settlements expand? They expanded because reliable food supplies led to longer, healthier lives, and am increased birthrate. Also an increased food supply.
What is animism? Animism is a religion in which spirits play an important role in regulating daily life.
What are griots? Griots are storytellers.
What was so important about them? They kept history alive and passed it from parent to child.
Who were the Nok people? They were West Africa's earliest known culture and lived in Nigeria between 500 B.C. and 200 A.D.
What was migration? A permanent move from one country or region to another.
What are push-pull factors? Historians and geographers spoke this. These factors can either push people out of an area or pull them into an area.
Mine way experts can trace the patterns of movement of people over time is..? By studying the spread language.
One group of African languages, the Niger-Congo, includes what? Over 900 individual languages.
Today, the BaMbuti are confined to what? A corner of the Congo Basin.
What was the "Peripulus of the Erythraean Sea"? A Greek hand guide written in around 100 A.D.
Who was Adulis? Aksum's chief seaport.
Who was Ezana? A strong ruler that occupied the throne.
What are Terraces? Steplike ridges constructed on mountain slopes.
Aksum became isolated from what other settlements? Christian settlements.
Created by: M.Ashcraft
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