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Basic Concepts, Ch.1

Flashcards of the vocabulary words from Chapter 1 of The Cultural Landscape

Ratio of number of farmers to the total amount of land suitable for agriculture Agricultural Density
Customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits that make up a group's distinct tradition; ex. food, language, religion, clothing Culture
The arrangement of something across Earth's surface Distribution
An arc running north to south on the globe that measures east to west Meridian
Acquisition of data about Earth's surface via satellite or other long distance methods Remote sensing
Region from which innovative ideas originate; ex. the __________ of Apple products is in California Hearth
Number system that locates parallels; measures distance north or south of the equator Latitude
Specific point distinguished by a distinct characteristic Place
Physical character of a place Site
Spread of a feature through movement of people from one place to another; for example, the English language spreading to America via migrating English settlers Relocation Diffusion
System used to transfer locations from Earth's surface to a 2-D map Projection
Time in the zone encompassing the prime meridian, or 0 degrees longitude; also known as Universal Time (UT) Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
An area distinguished by a unique combination of trends/ features; ex. South America is a _____________ because of its similar cuisine, religion, and language. Region
Process of spreading of a characteristic or trend from one place to another; ex. relocation, expansion, stimulus, hierarchical Diffusion
An east to west line created under the Land Ordinance of 1785 to make surveying and counting towns easier Base Line
Circle around the globe running east to west that measures north to south Parallel
Location of a place in relation to another; ex. The bank is one block away from the supermarket. Situation
Processes that involve the entire world and result in something being worldwide in scope Globalization
a.k.a. Cultural landscape studies- emphasizes the relationship between social and physical characteristics in a particular area Regional studies
Land created by the Dutch by draining water from an area Polder
Spread of features from one area to another in a snowballing process Expansion diffusion
System that determines precise position of something through satellites, tracking devices, and receivers Global Positioning System (GPS)
Rapid, widespread diffusion throughout a population; hint: THE PLAGUE!!!! Contagious diffusion
Theory that people have the ability to adjust the environment even though it my set limits Possibilism
An active company in many countries other than where the headquarters are located; ex. fast food restaurants, car companies Transnational corporation
Arc that follows 180 degrees longitude, but can deviate to avoid dividing land areas, clock changes by 1 day International Date Line (IDL)
north to south line created during the Land Ordinance of 1785 to make counting townships easier Principal Meridian
Increasing gap in economic conditions between core and peripheral regions due to the globalization of the economy; ex. The gap between the economic status of those in third-world countries and the U.S. is increasing. Uneven development
Relationship between the portion of Earth being studied and Earth as a whole; the scope of something; ex. global, national, state, local Scale
a.k.a. Uniform/homogeneous region- everyone shares one or more unique characteristic Formal region
2-D model of Earth's surface Map
Representation based on an individual's knowledge; ex. I just moved to New York; my ________ ________ of the city isn't too good. Mental Map
Geometric or regular arrangement of something in a study area; ex. Land Ordinance of 1785 Pattern
Substance from the environment that is useful to people, economically and technologically feasible to access and socially acceptable to use Resource
Law that divided U.S. into townships to facilitate sale of land to settlers Land Ordinance of 1785
Position of anything on Earth's surface Location
Relationships between people and objects across space Connections
Changes made to a natural landscape by a cultural group; ex. terracing into mountains Cultural Landscape
0 degrees longitude; passes through the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, England Prime Meridian
Physical gap between two objects Space
a.k.a. nodal region- an area located around a focal point; ex. New York's five boroughs are all connected through transportation and its work force Functional Region
Spread of trend from one person/node of authority to other people; ex. A celebrity starts a new trend. Hierarchical Diffusion
computer system that stores, organizes, analyzes, and displays geographic data Geographic Information System (GIS)
a.k.a. perceptual region- area that people believe exist as a part of their cultural identity; ex. The American South Vernacular Region
Reduction in time it takes to diffuse something to a distant place as a result of improved technology and communications Space-Time Compression
1 square mile; divided townships into 36 parts Section
36 square miles; due to the Land Ordinance of 1785; divided into 36 sections Township
Number of people per unit of land suitable for agriculture; hint: number of people, not number of farmers Physiological Density
Number system that locates meridians; measures distance east or west of the prime meridian Longitude
Science of map making Cartography
Decrease in importance to the disappearance as distance increases from an idea or culture's origin Distance Decay
Spread of an underlying principle even though a specific characteristic is rejected; ex. Apple's mouse was used by PC even though Apple wasn't popular at the time. Stimulus Diffusion
Name given to a portion of Earth's surface; ex. New York is derived from a York in England, Washington state was named after George Washington, etc. Toponym
19t5h-20th century approach that the environment determined what humans can and can't do Environmental Determninism
Frequency of existence in an area Density
Density of something over a given area; ex. clustered or dispersed Concentration
Emphasizes human-environment relationships Cultural Ecology
Number of people divided by land area Arithmetic Density
Created by: SydneyR
Popular AP Human Geography sets




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