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Medical language

Hyper- Exessive
Glyc/o Sugar
-Emia A blood condition
Hypo- Under or (deficiency)
Derm/o Skin
-Ic Pertaining to
Bi- Two
Later/o Side(s)
-al Pertaining to
Echo- Using sound
Cardi/o The heart
-Gram A record
-Graphy The process of recording
Elecro- Electrical activity
Micro- small
Bi/o Life
-Logy The study of
-Ist a specialist
Supra Above
Ren/o Kidney
-Al Pertaining to
Epi- above
Gastr/o The stomach
-Ic Pertaining to
Nephr/o Kidney
Lith/o Stones
-Iasis An abnormal condition
Itra Within
Muscul/o a muscle
-Ar Pertaining to
Pre- before
Nat/i Birth
-Al Pertaining to
Post- After
Prandi/o Meals
-Al Pertaining to
Sub- Under
Nas/o Nose
-Al Pertaining to
A- No
Men/o Menstrual
-Rrhea Flow
Iter- Between
Vertebr/o The Vertebrae
Endo- Within
Trache/o The Trachea
Retro- Behind
Stern/o The sternum
Trans- Across or through
Urethr/o The urethra
Anti- against
Bacteri/o Bacteria
Leuko- White
Cyt/o cell(s)
-Penia A deficiency
Vascul/o Blood vessels
-Ar Pertaining to
Multi- Many
Para- Live (viable) births
-Ous Pertaining to
Arthr/o a joint
-Centesis Surgical puncture
Colon/o The colon
-Scope a lighted instrument to view
-scopy The process of using a lighted instrument to veiw
Append/o The Appendix
-Ectomy Surgical removal(excision)
Ex- Out
Cis/o Cutting
-Ion The process of
Hepat/o The liver
-Itis Inflammation
Rhin/o The nose
-Plasty Surgical repair
Mast/o A breast
-Pexy Surgical fixation
Oste/o Bone
-Tome a surgical instrument to cut
Phleb/o A vein
-Tomy A surgical incision
Col/o The colon
-Stomy A artifical opening
Cephal/o The head
-Algia Pain
Thorac/o The thorax
-Dynia Pain
Hem/o Blood
-Lysis or Lytic Break up or destruction
Hemat/o Blood
-Emesis Vomiting
Herni/o A hernia
Rrhapy Sutering
Hepat/o The liver
-Cele Herniation
-Cide Killing
Path/o Disease
-Gen The creation
-Ic Pertaining to
Carcin/o A cancer
-Oma Tumor or mass
Acr/o Heights
Phob/o Fear
-ia A condition of
Therm/o Heat
-Meter a insrument used to measure
Pelv/o The pelvis
-Metry The process of measuring
Angi/o A vessel
-Rrhexis Rupture
Vas/o Vessel
-Spasm An involuntary muscle contraction
Quadri- Four(extremities)
Pleg/o Paralysis
-Ia A condition of
Hemat/o Blood
Lysis or Lytic Break up or destruction
Hemat/o Blood
-Emesis Vomiting
Herni/o A hernia
Rrhaphy Sutering
Hepat/o The liver
-Cele Herniation
Bacteri/o Bacteria
-cide Killing
-Al Pertaining to
Path/o Disease
-Gen The creation
-Ic Pertaining to
Carcin/o A cancer
-Oma Tumor or mass
Acr/o Heights
Phob/o Fear
-Ia A condition of
Therm/o Heat
-Meter An instrument used to measure
Pelv/o The pelvis
-Metry The process of measuring
Angi/o A vessel
-Rrhexis A rupture
Vas/o A vessel
-Spasm An involuntary muscle contraction
Quadri- Four(extremities)
Pleg/o Paralysis
Hemat/o Blood
Tyr/o Thyroid
Tox/o poison
Dipl- double
Opia Vision
Lip/o Fat
-Oid resembing
-Tripsy Crushing
Phas/o Speech
Dys- Difficult or painful
Phag/o Shallowing
Neur/o nerve
-Y A condition of
Splen/o The spleen
-Megaly Enlargement
Arteri/o An artery(ies)
Blephar/o A eyelid
-Plasia or -Trophy growth or development
Neo- New
Plasia or -Trophy Growth or development
Hemi- Right or left half(side) of the body
Semi- Half
Circul/o A circle
-Ar Pertaining to
Uni- One
Stenosis Narrowing
Poly- Excessive
-Uria Urination
Tri- Three
Foc/o Foci
An- No
Esthesis/o Nervous or sensation
Circum- Around
Cis/o cutting
Peri- Around
In- In
Hetero- Different
Sex/o Sexes
-Ual Petaining to
Homo- Same
Sex/o Sex
-Brady Slow
Tachy- Fast
Pnea Breathing
Blephar/o An eyelid
-Ptosis Drooping or sagging of
Appendic/o The Appendix
Rrhage or rrhagia A rapid flow
Contra- Against
Cept/o Conception
Anorex Loss of appetite
-Ic Pertaining to
Insomni Inability to sleep
-Ac Pertaining to
Vir A virus
Lob Lobe(section)
-Ar Pertaining to
Saliv Saliva
-Ary Pertaining to
Pharyng Pharyne(throat)
-Eal Pertaining to
Psycho The mind
Log The study of
-Ical Pertaining to
Pala A Palate
-Tine Pertaining to
Audit- Hearing
-Ory Pertaining to
Cutane- The skin
-Ous Pertaining to
Acous- Sound
-Tic Pertaining to
Vis- Sight
-Ual Pertaining to
-Ia A condition of
Pneumon- A lung
-Ism A condition of
Alcohol- Alcohol(abuse)
-Iary Treatment of
Pod- The feet
-Y A condition of
Coagulo- Coagulation(clotting)
Path- Diease
Gyneco- The female reproductive system
-Ole Small
Arteri- Artery
-Ule Small
Ven- Vein
-Icle Small
Part- Part
-Ula Small
Mac- Skin lesion
Tissue(s) ( do what?) Tissue refers to groups of cells that preform specific task
Examples of organs include Heart,lung,liver,brain,kidneys etc
Examples of tissue include Skin,bone,muscle,blood,nerve etc
System(s) ( do what?) Systems are a group of organs that work together to preform complex functions.
Organ(s) (do what?) Organs are two or more kinds of tissues that together perform special functions.
Examples of systems include Gastrointestinal,cardiovascular,genitourinary,etc
Cranial cavity contains the The cranial cavity (skull) contains the brain
Thoracic cavity contains the The thoracic cavity contains the heart,lungs,esophagus and the trachea.
Spinal cavity contains the The spinal cavity contains the spinal cord.
Abdominal cavity contains the The abdominal cavity contains the stomach,intestines,kidneys,liver,gall blabber,pancreas,spleen and the ureters.
Pelvic cavity contains the The pelvic cavity contains the urinary bladder,reproductive organs,parts of the large intestine and the rectum.
Amyl/o Starch
-Ase Enzyme
My/o Muscle
card The heart
Somat/o The body
Sarc/o Flesh
Cyan/o Blue
Onc/o Tumor or mass
Erythr/o or Erythem/o Red
Cyte Cell
Melan/o Black
Leuk/o or Albin/o White
Jaund/o or Cirrh/o or Xanth/o Yellow
Sclerae Whites portion of the eyes
Infer/o Below
-Ior Pertaining to
Anter/o or Ventr/o The front (The palm is anterior)
Super/o Above
Poster/o or Dors/o The back
Dist/o The end
Medi/o The middle
Proxim/o The beginning
Supine Lying on your back
Prone Lying on your front
The superior right and left regions of the abdomen are called the Hypochandriac regions
The inferior right and left regions of the abdomen are called the Inguinal or Iliac regions
The medial right and left regions of the abdomen are called the Lumbar region
The superior medial region of the abdomen is called the Epigastric region
The inferior medial region of the abdomen is called the Hypogastric region
The medial region of the abdomen is called the Umbilical region
RUQ Right upper quadrant
RLQ Right lower quadrant
LUQ Left upper quadrant
LLQ Left lower quadrant
Created by: BLM1095
Popular Medical sets




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