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Studyhelper #6

Is scabies a contagious skin condition? YES
Why is healthy skin an important aspect of immune function? Melanocites secrete hydrochloric acid
Would shock be an absolute contraindication to massage? YES
A client has a benign, non-infectious chronic condition with acute periods, particularly when exposed to temperature & seasonal changes in the sleep pattern. What would describe this condition? Circadian & Seasonal Rythms (SAD)
What part of the body produce movement, maintains posture, supports soft tissues & maintain body temperature? Skeletal Muscle
The bundle of collagen fibers at the end of a skeletal muscle that attaches the muscle to bone is called? Tendon
Skeletal muscle fibers differ from "typical cells" in that muscle fibers have? Many nuclei
The cell membrane of skeletal muscle is called the ? Sarcolemma
The cytoplasm of a skeletal muscle fiber is called the? Sarcoplasm
The command to contract is communicated through a membrane system made up of_________that permeate the muscle fibers? Transverse tubules
What do Myofibrils contain? Bundles of Myofilaments
Where are myofibrils attached? To the cell membrane at both ends of a muscle fiber
What extends the length of a skeletal muscle fiber? Myofibrils
In a sarcomere, thick filaments are linked by filament of the ? M Line
Thin filaments at either end of the sarcomere are attached to the? Z line
The sarcoplasmic reticulum stores? Calcium Ions
The complex known as the triad consists of? Transverse tubule and terminal cisternae
What does the synaptic knob contain? Vesicles filled with acetycholine
The space between the neuron and the muscle is the? Synaptic cleft
What contains receptors for acetylcholine? Motor end plate (of the sarcolema)
In response to action potentials arriving from the transverse tubules, the sarcoplasmic reticulum releases? Calcium Ions
The type of contraction represented by a single stimulus/contraction/relaxation sequence is a? Twitch
A muscle that is stimualted so frequently that the relaxation phase is completely eliminated is said to exhibit? Complete tetanus
During the recovery period following exercise what is consumed? Oxygen
Fast fibers have many? Mitochondria
Cardiocytes are interconnected through what? Intercalated Discs
What are these a function of: altering the diameter of the respiratory passageways, elevating hairs on the arm, forcing urine out of the urinary bladder, moving food materials along the digestive tract? Smooth Muscle Tissue
According to the length-tension relationship can longelr muscles generate more tension than shorter muscles? YES
Which hormone stimulates growth of muscle tissue and increased muscle mass? Testosterone
During relaxation, muscles return to their original length because of? Elastic forces, the contraction of opposing muscles, the pull of gravity, the elastic nature of the sarcolemma
When is ATP hydrolyzed? When myosin cross-bridges bind to the active sites on actin
What is one of the major physiologic effects of hydrotheraphy? Vasodilation-Vasoconstriction
What is the therapeudic application of Cryotherapy? ICE
What would an antagonist response to bodywork regarding medication mean? The methods used may negate the action of the medication
A client has experienced a series of stressful events over the past 3 days and can't fall asleep, has low tolerance to noise, frustrated & angry. Bodywork benefits to assist the client would sustain the effect of? Seratonin
What are the lymphoid tissues that are located in the oral cavity and pharanyx? TONSILS
The right lymphatic ducts drains the? Upper right half of the body
Draining and filtering the intertisial fluids ia a function of what system? Lymphatic System
What most supports flow of lymph through the healthy body? Movement
If a client has swollen lymph nodes in the neck & groin area what shouldyou do? Referral for diagnosis
The lymphatic system is most interactive with which system? THE IMMUNE SYSTEM
Created by: Studyhelper
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