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Words of Delight


Allegory A visual symbol representing an abstract idea Ex.-- "Waves crashed through the harbor like a bully pushing through a crowd"
Encomium A work of literature that praises an abstract quality or generalized character type
Metaphor When two unrelated subjects are compared Ex.-- "My love is a rose"
Epithalamion A song or poem to honor a marriage ceremony
Devices of Disclosure How the author influences you to approve/disapprove of the characters, etc., and decide what the morals or values of the story are
Type Scene A situation that recurs throughout a work of literature that produces a set of expectations in the reader when they encounter that situation in a literary text
Epithet A term used as a descriptive substitute for the name or title of a person. Ex. -- "The Great Emancipator" for Abe Lincoln
Anti-hero person characterized by a lack of "traditional" heroic qualities
Allusion A reference to past history or literature
Antagonist the force(s) or character(s) which which the protagonist of a story is in conflict. The character in opposition to the protagonist
Archetype An original model after which other similar things are patterned. Ex:-- Dracula influenced subsequent horror stories
Selectivity Everything included in a story is included for a specific reason
Poetics Literary criticism that deals with the nature, forms and laws of poetry
Exposition The opening phase of a story in which the writer presents the background info. that the reader needs to understand the plot
Point of View the perspective from which a story is told
Pastoral an image of the good life
Type Scene repeated events or situations
Rhetorical Question a figure of speech in which a question is asked whose answer is so obvious that it is left unanswered. The question is asked for the sake of effect
Quest Stories stories built around progress towards a goal
Blazon a love poem that praises a person by means of catalogue or listing
Parable a simple story illustrating a moral or religious lesson
Parallelism two or more lines that form a pattern. The deliberate repetition of words or sentences for effect
climactic parallelism a form of parallelism in which the first line is left incomplete until the second line repeats part of it and then makes it a whole statement. Ex. -- "our fathers trusted in thee: they trusted, and thou didst deliver them."
Denouement the last phase of a story following the climax. Literally the "tying up of loose ends."
Didactic having the intention or impulse to teach. Morally instructive
Synthetic Parallelism A type of parallelism in which the second line completes the thought of the first line, buth without repeating anything from the first line
Dramatic monologue Where a single speaker addresses an implied but silent listener and reveals their inner conflict or thoughts
Simile A figure of speech that compares 2 things, using "like" or "as"
Parody A composition that imitate somebody's style in a humorous way Ex.-- Antonia and Theresa's music camp piece
Occasional Literature A work of literature that takes its origins from a particular historical event or particular situation in the author's life
Poetic License The liberty taken by an artist or writer to achieve a desired effect
Intertext / Intertextual Reading A situation in which the full meaning of a text depends on its interaction with anther text. Ex. -- Ulysses is a "retelling" of the Odyssey or the practice of sampling music from the song "Under Pressure"
Paradox a seemingly contradictory statement that may nonetheless be true. Ex - "The silence of midnight rang in my ears"
Personification a figure of speech where human attributes are given to something non-human, like animals or objects Ex. - "My computer hates me."
Foil Something within a story that is in direct contrast to the main element in the story. Ex - Banquo is a foil to MacBeth, Tybalt for Romeo, Lennie to George (Mice and Men)
Pun A play on words, often using a word that sounds like another word but has a different meaning. Ex. - "I needed a raise in allowance. Mowing the grass just wasn't cutting it." or "I do it for the pun of it."
Monomyth basic patterns of many myths = the call to adventure, road of trials, achieving the goal, return to ordinary world, applying the knowledge gained
Ode A lyrical poem, usually of a serious nature, having an elevated style and structure
Epic A long narrative poem telling of a hero's deeds. Ex. - Gilgamesh
Denotation straightforward dictionary meaning of a word
Elements of Artistry Includes: Pattern (design), unity, theme (central focus), balance, contrast, unified progression, variety in unity (variation), symmetry, repetition, rhythm
Connotation The idea or meaning suggested by a word or thing. Ex. - "The man drank whiskey quietly." = "Quietly" means he didn't make any noise, but also connotes alone, secretly, sadly, etc. ---- How does the sentence make you feel
Stairstep parallelism A type of parallelism in which the last kay word of a line becomes the first main word in the next line
Apocalyptic Literature reveals the future history of the world and is written in an ominous, threatening way
Genre A literary type or kind
Epiphany An illuminating discovery, realization or disclosure. An Aha! moment.
Apostrophe address to an absent or imaginary person. Ex. - request for inspiration from muses.
Emblem A symbolic image representing a person or thing
Authorial Assertion when the author enters the story and comments on characters and events in their own voice.
Tragedy A narrative form built around an exceptional calamity stemming from the protagonist's wrong choice.
Hyperbole A figure of speech that is overstated or exaggerated to make seem more important than they are if looked at objectively. Ex. - Crime of the Century, Tons of Money
Comedy Story with a U-shaped plot = action begins in prosperity, descends into potentially tragic events, and rises to a happy ending.
Dramatic Irony When a reader knows more than the characters
Verbal Irony When a writer or speaker states something but means the opposite. Ex. - "Terrible weather, huh?" on a beautiful day
Irony of situation when a situation is the opposite of what is expected.
Normative spokesperson When the character in a story interpets the meaning of a story (compare with Authorial Assertion)
Well-made plot A plot that unfolds according to the following pattern: exposition (background info), inciting moment, rising action, turning point, further complication, climax, denouement
Symbol Any detail in a story that in addition to its literal meaning stands for something else
Arrangement The way in which a story ends is crucial in determining a reader's final impression
Explication to explain (especially in literary work) in depth, with close analysis of particular points
Normative Character A character in a story that expresses what the author wishes us to understand is correct
Satire A form of humour where the writer makes the reader have a negative opinion of someone by laughing at them or making them seem ridiculous
Assonance When a vowel sound within a word matches the same sound in a nearby word, but the surrounding consonants are different. Ex. - Tune and June rhyme, but Tune and Food are assonant
Alliteration The repetition of the same consonant sound at the beginning of two or more words Ex. - Waves Want to be Wheels
Consonance The repetition of similar consonant sounds, especially at the end of words. Ex. - Lost and Past or Confess and Dismiss
Created by: whapmom
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