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PE Ch 13

Phlebotomy Essentials Ch 13

Amniotic fluid liquid from the sac that surrounds tans cushions the fetus
buccal swab contains material collected from the inside ofthe cheek
C&S involves growing and determining the antibiotic susceptibiity of a microbe
C. Difficile frequent causative agent of hopital-aquired diarrhea
catheterized type of urine specimen collected from tubing inserted into the bladder
clean-catch method of obtaining an uncontaminated urine sample
AFP antigen in amniotic fluid measured to assess fetal development
CSF fluid from the cavity surrounding the brain and spinal cord
expectorate cough up and spit out mucus or phlegm
FOBT detects hidden blood in feces
gaastric analysis test that evaluates stomach acid production
H. Pylori bacteria that can cause shronic gastritis and lead to peptic ulcer disease
iontophoresis method used to stimulate sweat production
midstream term for a urine specimen obtained durig the middle of urination
NP referring to the nasal cavity and pharynx
O&P fecal test for parasites and their eggs
occult blood blood hidden from the naked eye
pericardial fluid fluid from the sac surrounding the heart
peritoneal fluid fluid fro the abdominal cavity
fpleural fluid fluid that surrounds the lungs
serous fluid pale-yellow serumlike fluid
sputum mucus coughed up from the trachea, bronchi, or lungs
suprapubic type of urine specimen aspirated through the bladder wall
sweat chloride test used in the diagnosis of cystic fibrosis
synovial fluid joint fluid
24-hour urine timed urine specimen colleted over a 24-hour period
UA routine urine test
UTI urinary tract infection
urine midstream ideal specimen for routine urinalysis
UTI urinary tract infection
clean catch urine midstream urinary collection for culture and sensitivity to prevent contamination
most analyzed nonblood specimen (in the lab) urine
erythema redness
critical value panic value
Created by: rslagter
Popular Phlebotomy sets




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