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Ch7-the 1960s-1970s

Quebec’s Quiet Revolution A intense change on Québec; Students were required to take more science and technology coursed to prepare for the new Québec
Youthquake & counterculture 青年动乱&;反文化-Movement of fashion, musical, and clothes and international cultural trends
Feminism 争取女权的运动--rights to work -Daycare service should be provided -to paid maternity leave from their jobs
Diefenbaker and the Canadian bill of rights protect a person’s fundamental human rights. -“freedom of life, liberty…” “the right to equality before the law and its protection” “freedom of speech, religion and assembly and association”
Omnibus Bill: C-150 -1969, liberal govern. Under prime minister Pierre Trudeau Right to abortion and legalizing homosexuality between consenting adults
Bill C-84 1976 Trudeau and his cabinet thought that Canada should join other progressive nations and abolish capital punishment
Multiculturalism: 1976 official policy 多元文化主义-Encouraging the expression of the cultures of many ethic groups that make up a country’s population.
White paper 1969 Govern. Report proposing dramatic changes to the live of aboriginal peoples
red paper Indian response to the federal government It caused the govern. Change its policy
Diefenbaker, pearson,trudeau Diefenbaker believe in the equality of all Canadians Preserving Canada's British connections and standing up to the Americans Pearson appealed to younger, urban voters: English and French
The flag debate-to1965 Some Canadians thinks the red ensign was too British They felt hat Pearson was giving in to pressure from Quebec. Canada’s new flag was raised on Feb. 15,1965
Medical care act 1966 A plan to help the provinces finances social assistance programs for people in need.
FLQ A revolutionary movement founded to work for an independent, socialist Québec. It blew up mailboxes and attacked symbols of English-Canadian power in Québec .
Pq&1976 provincial election Pq formed in 1967 by liberal party They believed that Quebec and Canada would better to divorce peacefully than to be together.
BI and Bi commission Wanted Canada to become bilingual, with English and French as its two official languages. It published in 1969.
1969 official languages act on September 9,1969;Gives English and French equal status in the government of Canada. It made Canada officially bilingual
Bill 101 French was the only official language of the province and govern. Employees had to work in French
1973 oil Embargo& inflation One of the most important cause of the economic crisis The increase in oil prices started a round of inflation Canadian workers demand higher wages because the increase in oil prices.
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