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KHS-Med Term Exam

ab- away from
ad- toward
-algia pain
ambul walk
an not, without
anti against
appendic/o appendix
arthr/o joint
-blast developing cell
blephar/o eyelid
brachi/o arm
brady- slow
bucc/o cheek
burs/o bursa
cardi/o heart
carp/o wrist
caud/o tail
cyt/o cell
-cyte cell
dys- difficult, painful, bad
electr/o electricity
-emia blood condition
end/o in, within
enter/o small intestine
epi on, upon
erythr/o red
esophag/o esophagus
fasci/o fascia
fibr/o fiber
gastr/o stomach
-gen producing
gingiv/o gums
-gram recorded picture
hem/o blood
hemat/o blood
hemi half
hepat/o liver
hyper over, excessive
-ic pertaining to
infer/o below, under
-itis inflammation
-ium pertaining to
kinesi/o movement
labi/o, cheil/o lips
later/o lateral (side)
lei/o smooth
leuk/o white
lys/o destruction
-lysis destruction
macr/o large
-malacia softening
mandibul/o mandible
medi/o medial (middle)
mega large
-megaly enlargement
metr/i uterus
mon/o one
my/o muscle
myel/o bone marrow
nephr kidney
-ologist one who studies, specialist
-ology study of
-oma tumor
para beyond or both limps
peri around
-phagia swallowing
-phasia speaking
-philia love
phren diaphragm
plasm/o plasma
-plasty repair
-plegia paralysis
poly many
pro before
quad four
rect/o rectum
-rrhaphy suture
-rrhexis rupture
scoli/o curved
-spasm involuntary contraction
stomat/o mouth
sub- under
tachy fast
tendin/o tendon
-trophy development
Created by: csavony
Popular Medical sets




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