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Modern World

Vocabulary GCA WHII

Time Period
Guest Worker A person from a non-industry country that comes to an industry country for a paying job Modern World
Refugee Someone who flees from a violent conflict and cannot return to their homeland for fear of persecution Modern World
Northern Ireland Nationalist (Irish and Roman Catholic) vs Protestant (British and Protestant) Modern World
Yugoslavia Known as the "powder keg of Europe" there were many ethnic and religious wars fought here Modern World
More Developed Country A country that is fully advanced Modern World
MDC (More Developed Country) A country further along than an LDC Modern World
Less Developed Country a country that is still developing or has not even started Modern World
LDC (Less Developed Country) country that is less developed than a MDC Modern World
Development Indicators The three indicators are Economic, social, and demographic Modern World
Gross Domestic Product The total value of goods and services put out by a certain country in a year Modern World
GDP Gross domestic product Modern World
GDP per capita The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) divided by the total number of citizens Modern World
Primary Sector jobs in which people work in the fields of agriculture, farming, mining, and fishing Modern World
Secondary Sector jobs in which people use machines that produces a product Modern World
Tertiary Sector jobs in which people provide services Modern World
Literacy Rate how many people (in %) can read and/or write Modern World
Life Expectancy how long you are expected to live Modern World
Globalization Any force or process that affects the entire world Modern World
Outsourcing the exportation of jobs overseas to cheaper areas Modern World
Cloning taking the DNA of one thing and making an exact copy of it Modern World
Economic Development The more development is in your economy the more it has an impact on the environment Modern World
Rapid population growth The more people you have in a small area the more impact it has on the environment Modern World
Environmental Impacts pollution, loss of habitat, ozone depletion, and global warming Modern World
Free Market economy In this economy you have a higher standard of living Modern World
European Union 27 member countries that are brought together in economic unity Modern World
NAFTA North American Free Trade Agreement; U.S, Mexico, and Canada agree to free trade Modern World
WTO World Trade Organization, Lends money to devoloping countries Modern World
IMF International Monetary Fund; provides loans to underdeveloped countries Modern World
Terrorism The use of violence and threats to force and coerce political rights Modern World
Munich Olympics (1972) Israeli athletes were held hostage by muslim terrorists Modern World
9/11/2001 planes were flown into the WTC by terrorists Modern World
USA Patriot Act Uniting and Strengthening America by providing the proper tools to Intercept and Obstruct terrorism; US response to terrorism; includes surveillance of own citizens Modern World
Created by: WorldStudiesII
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