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Industrial Rev.

Vocabulary GCA WHII

TermDefinitionTime Period
Industrial Revolution time period of new inventions; the increase of industry, and emergence of new economic ideas Industrial Revolution
Agriculture Revolution The beginning of the Industrial Rev. Creating higher yields of food, crop rotation and the enclosure movement also improved living conditions Industrial Revolution
Enclosure Movement When wealthy land owners fenced small fields forcing poorer farmers off their land Industrial Revolution
England Where the Industrial Rev. Began Industrial Revolution
Textile Industry The Factory System that causes the decline of family cottage businesses Industrial Revolution
cotton gin Created by Eli Whitney Industrial Revolution
spinning Jenny Created by James Hargreaves Industrial Revolution
Steam Engine Created by James watt Industrial Revolution
James Hargreaves Created the Spinning Jenny Industrial Revolution
Richard Arkwright Created the Water Frame Industrial Revolution
James Watt Created the Steam Engine Industrial Revolution
Edmund Cartwright Created the Power Loom Industrial Revolution
Eli Whitney Created the Cotton Gin Industrial Revolution
Henry Bessemer Invented the process for making steel Industrial Revolution
John McAdam Invented Roadbeds Industrial Revolution
Edward Jenner invented the Smallpox Vaccine Industrial Revolution
Louis Pasteur Discovered Bacteria Industrial Revolution
urbanization Movement of people from rural areas into cities Industrial Revolution
tenement housing Narrow, low rise apartment buildings with very poor conditions in the poor parts of town Industrial Revolution
impact on slavery The Cotton Gin created a Higher Demand for slavery Industrial Revolution
suffrage Women's Right to Vote Industrial Revolution
organized labor When workers organized labor unions Industrial Revolution
labor unions organizations that fought for improved working conditions and worker's rights Industrial Revolution
strikes worker organized pickets for better wages and conditions Industrial Revolution
lobby when someone represents a group of people and fights for their rights Industrial Revolution
collective bargaining negotiations between labor workers and management Industrial Revolution
child labor filled unfilled positions, but was dangerous, had long hours and did not pay well Industrial Revolution
immigration new opportunities for immigrants, but had a hard life with great competition Industrial Revolution
environmental pollution Mass production would cause toxic gases, and air and water pollution Industrial Revolution
women’s rights Suffrage: horrible working conditions Industrial Revolution
capitalism when someone invest in a private business with the goal of making a profit Industrial Revolution
entrepreneurial Investing Money and taking financial risks Industrial Revolution
Adam Smith "the father of modern economics"; encourage the use of laissez faire and capitalism Industrial Revolution
The Wealth of Nations written by adam smith Industrial Revolution
laissez faire "Let it alone" - government should have limited role in economy Industrial Revolution
economics The production, distribution and consumption of goods Industrial Revolution
free-trade government is not control of foreign trade Industrial Revolution
socialism The equal redistribution of wealth Industrial Revolution
Karl Marx Wrote the Communist Manifesto; founder of communism Industrial Revolution
Friedrich Engels Also wrote the Communist Manifesto with Marx Industrial Revolution
The Communist Manifesto written by Marx and Engels saying that capitalist made their money by exploiting industrial labor Industrial Revolution
bourgeoisie Capitalsits...according to Marx Industrial Revolution
proletariat the working-class...according to Marx Industrial Revolution
Communism economy that is a completed form of socialism Industrial Revolution
Marxism a form of Communism specifically following Marx's ideas Industrial Revolution
imperialism the colonization of countries in search of natural resources for the growing industrial revolution Industrial Revolution
Social Darwinism the need to "civilize" native people by teaching them european culture Industrial Revolution
colonies the physical subsidiary of a country Industrial Revolution
protectorates military controlled offshoot of the mother country Industrial Revolution
spheres of influence an area of a country in which another country has control or influence Industrial Revolution
Suez Canal canal in Egypt; faster route to Asia through the Mediterranean than around Africa Industrial Revolution
Berlin Conference the divide of Africa between 14 different countries with little concern for ethnic or tribal groups Industrial Revolution
East India Company joint stock company that controlled and dominated India Industrial Revolution
Open Door Policy The US convinced China to trade with anybody Industrial Revolution
Boxer Rebellion Rebellion in china that opposed foreign imperialism and christianity Industrial Revolution
Matthew Perry commodore tha came to Japan with gunboats and established a trade agreement between Jaan and the US Industrial Revolution
Created by: WorldStudiesII
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