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Myology 1

Lecture 9

Thorax entire chest,protect aorgan in chest and upper abdomen,proved support for bones of upper limbs.bony cage flattened from front to back.formed by sternum,ribs,costal cartilages,bodies of thoracic vertebrae
sternum breastbone,manubrium,xiphoid,sternal angle
manubrium of sternum,upper portion,suprasternal jugular notch,clavicular notches,body
suprasternal jugular notch depression in upper part of the manubrium, hole at base of neck
clavicular notches lateral sides of manubrium,for articulation with the clavicle
body middle and largest portion of sternum
xiphoid inferior and smallest portion of sternum, process=mm attachement
sternal angle sternum meets manubrium, formed by juction of the manubrium and body
ribs 12 ribs, 1-7 true,8-12 false,11 and 12 floating
Ribs 1-7 true ribs, direct anterior attachment to sternum
ribs 8-12 false ribs, attaches indirectly to sternum or doesnt attach to sternum at all
ribs 11-12 floating, ends of ribs do not attach to sternum
pectoralis major pecs c lats important in pull up.synergistic with lats both add & IR arm. antagonistic lats ext/pecs flex arm.attach from trunk to arm.pec major has layers.makes up majority of ant axillary fold,shoulder flex up to 60 degrees.powerful horizontal add
pectoralis major layers clavicular fibers are most superficial(anterior),sternal fibers are deep to clavicular fibers and costal and abdominal fibers attach more proximally on the humerus.
anterior axillary fold pectoralis major, tissue which borders the armpit anteriorly
pectoralis major clavicular HeadOIAN O=medial clavicle,I=lateral lip of bicipital groove.A=add,IR,Horizontal Add and flex of arm,depress and protract scap.N=med and lat pectoral nn
pectoralis minor contract it pulls on coracoid process pulling scap into lateral tilt,tight pecs minor contribute to rounded shoulders.accessory mm of inspiration
lateral tilt when scapula lateral border pulled in toward the lateral body wall and medial border moves away from posterior body wall,pec minor pulling on coracoid process of scapula
rounded shoulders common postural condition in which the scapulae are protracted and depressed and the humeri are medially rotated.pec minors action of protraction and depression, tight pec minors
pec minor accessory mm of inspiration elevates ribs 3-5, expanding rib cage during inspiration
pectoralis minor OIAN O= anterior borders of ribs 3-5.I=coracoid process of scap.A=protracts,depress and downwardly rotate scap,rev mm action=elevation of ribs 3-5.N=medial pectoral nn
subclavius if clavicle fixed to scap subclavius depress scap at scapulocostal jt.main funct fixator of clavicle during arm/shoulder movements.common entrapment site for nn of brachial plexus & subclavian artery=costoclavicular syndrom.intercostal mm during inspir.
subclavius OIAN O=1st rib.I=inferior surface of clavicle.A=depress clavicle and elevate 1st rib.N=nn from brachial plexus
external intercostals same direction as exteranl obliques.appear to be extension of external obliques.inspiration=expand.address in client with respiratory condition=asthma,emphysema.
external intercostals OIAN O=inferior borders of ribs 1-11.I=superior border of rib below.A=inspiration,elevate ribs 2-12.N=intercostal nn
internal intercostals same direction as the internal abdominal obliques.thinner than external intercostals,expiration
innermost intercostals deep to internal intercostals
internal intercostals OIAN O=superior border of rib below.I=inferor border of rib above.A=expiration, depresses ribs 1-11.N=intercostal nn. rib 12 doesnt move
transversus thoracis superior fibers run vertically, inferior fibers run horizontally.internally within thoracic cavity,respiratory mm=expiration
transversus thoracis OIAN O=internal surfaces of sternum,xiphoid and adjacent costal cartilage.I=internal surfaces of costal cartilage 2-6.A=depress ribs 2-6.N=intercostal nn
diaphragm separates thoracic and abdominal cavities.number of openings to allow passage of structures.(esophagus,aorta,inferior vena cava),must contract for quiet relaxed inspiration.conscious and unconscious.phrenic nn.C345 keeps diaphragm alive.
hiatal hernia part of the stomach herniates thru the diaphragm into the thoracic cavity.
diaphragm OIAN O=internal surfaces of ribcage,sternum and spine.I=central tendon of diaphragm,A=increases volume of thoracic cavity during inspiration.N=phrenic nerve
muscles of the anterior abdominal wall rectus abdominus,external/internal obliques,transversus abdominus,all 4 mm compress the abdominal contents.all except tranversus can flex the trunk. external obliqu of one side synergistic with internal oblique of opposite side with trunk rotation.
rectus abdominus anteromedially,three fibrous bands=tendinous inscriptions transect rectus abs and divide into 4 sections.eight pack mm.two rectus sheaths encase it and meet at linea alba.
linea alba midline of rectus abdominus where two rectus sheaths meet.
rectus abdominus OIAN O=pubis,I=xiphoid and cartilages of ribs 5-7.A=bilat flex trunk,post tilt,compress abdominal contents.unilat lateral flex trunk.N=intercostal nn,iliohypogastric,ilioinguinal nn
external oblique lateral to rectus abdominus.most powerful of 3 layers of anterolateral abdominal wall. most superficial.fiber direction=hand in coat pocket
abdominal mm superficial to deep E-I-T
external oblique OIAN O=anterior iliac crest,pubic bone,inguinal ligament,abdominal aponeurosis.I=lower 8 ribs.A=bilat trunk flex,post tilt,compress ab contents.unilat lateral trunk flex,contralateral trunk rotation and elevate pelvis.N=intercostal,iliohypogastric,ilioinguinal
internal oblique fiber direction=hands in back pockets.ipsilateral trunk rotator and antagonistic to its external oblique partner on the same side.
internal oblique OIAN O=pubic bone,inguinal lig,iliac crest, thoracolumbar fascia.I=lower 3 ribs,abdominal aponeurosis.A=bilat flex trunk,post tilt,compress ab content.unilat lateral trunk flexion,ipsilateral rot and elevation of pelvis.N=intercostal,ilihypogastric,iliinguinal
transversus abdominis only ab mm that cannot act as a mover of skeletal action.primarily compresses abdominal contents.upper fibers contiguous with diaphragm and transversus thoracis,corset mm.
transversus abdominis OIAN O=pubic bone,inguinal lig,iliac crest,thoracolumbar fascia,lower costal cartilage.I=abdominal aponeurosis.A=compress ab contents.N=intercostal, iliohypogastric,ilioinguinal nn
pectoralis major sternal head OIAN sternum and upper costal cartilage.I=lateral lip of bicipital groove.A=add,IR,horizontal add or arm.depress and protracts scapN=med and lat pec nn
Created by: mloft
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