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Ch. 14 and 15 gay

Totalitarianism a theory of government in which a single party or leader controls the economic, social, and cultural lives of its people
Anti-Semitic prejudice and discrimination against jewish people
Spanish Civil War Nationalist forces led by General Fransisco Franco rebelled against the Democratic Republican government of spain
Appeasement policy of granting concessions in order to keep the peace
Anschluss union of germany and austria in 1933
Munich Pact agreement made between Germany, Italy, Great Britain, and France in 1938 that sacrificed the Sudetenland to preserve peace
Blitzkrieg "lightning war" that emphasized the use of speed and firepower to penetrate deep into the enemy's territory
Axis Powers group of countries led by Germany, Italy, and Japan that fought the Allies in World War II
Allies group of countries led by Britain, France, the United States, and the USSR
Neutrality Act of 1939 act that allowed nations at war to buy goods and arms in the united states if they paid cash and carried merchandise on their own ships
Tripartite Pact agreement that created an alliance between Germany, Italy, and Japan during World War II
Lend-Lease Act act passed in 1941 that allowed President Roosevelt to sell or lend war supplies to any country whose defense he considered vital to the safety of the United States
Atlantic Charter a joint declaration made in August 1941 by Great Britain and the United States, during world war II, that endorsed national self-determination and an international system of general security
Pearl Harbor American military base attacked by the Japanese on December 7, 1941
WAC U.S. Army group established during World War II so that women could serve in noncombat roles
Bataan Death March during World War II, the forced march of American and Filipino prisoners of war under brutal conditions by the japanese military
Battle of Coral Sea World War II battle that took place between Japanese and American aircraft carriers
Unconditional Surrender giving up completely without any concessions
Saturation Bombing tactic of dropping massive amounts of bombs in order to inflict maximum damage
Strategic bombing tactics of dropping bombs on key political and industrial areas
Tuskegee Airmen African American squadron that escorted bombers in the air war over Europe during World War II
Battle of Midway turning point of World War II in the Pacific, in which the japanese advance was stopped
Executive Order 8802 World War II measure that assured fair hiring practices in any job funded by the government
Bracero Program plan that brought laborers from Mexico to work on American farms
Internment temporary imprisonment of members of a specific group
Korematsu v. United States controversial 6–3 decision of the Supreme Court that affirmed the conviction of a Japanese American citizen who violated an exclusion order that barred all persons of Japanese ancestry from designated military areas during World War II
442nd Regimental Combat Team of the United States Army was a regimental size fighting unit composed almost entirely of American soldiers of Japanese descent who volunteered to fight in World War II even though their families were subject to internment
Rationing government-controlled limits on the amount of certain goods that civilians could buy during wartime
OWI government agency that encouraged support of the war effort during World war II
Battle of the Buldge in December 1944, Hitler ordered a counter attack on Allied troops in Belgium, but it crippled Germany by using up reserves and demoralizing its troops
Island Hopping World War II strategy that involved seizing selected Japanese-held islands in the pacific while bypassing others
Kamikaze japanese pilots who deliberately crashed planes into American ships during World War II
Manhattan Project code name of the project that developed the atomic bomb
Holocaust name now used to describe the systematic murder of jews by the nazis
Anti-Semitism prejudice and discrimination against jewish people
Nuremburg laws enacted by Hitler that denied German citizenship to jews
Kristallnacht "Night of broken glass" organized attacks on jewish communities in Germany on November 9, 1938
Genocide willful annihilation of a racial, political, or cultural group
Concentration Camp camps used by the Nazis to imprison "undesirable" members of society
War Refugee Board U.S. government agency founded in 1944 to save Eastern European jews
Yalta Conference 1945 strategy meeting between Roosevelt, Churchill, and stalin
Superpower powerful country that plays a dominant economic, political, and military role in the world
Gatt international agreement first signed in 1947 aimed at lowering trade barriers
United Nations organization founded in 1945 to promote peace
Universal Declaration of Human Rights document issued by the UN to promote basic human rights and freedoms
Geneva Convention international agreement governing the humane treatment of wounded soldiers and prisoners of war
Nuremburg Trials trials in which nazi leaders were charged with war crimes
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