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Romans Midterm

According to the LECTURE, the church in Rome was probably founded by: A. Paul B. Jews in Jerusalem C. Peter D. Unknown Jews Jews in Jerusalem
According to the LECTURE, Paul probably wrote Romans from: A. Corinth B. Rome C. Jerusalem D. Antioch Corinth
According to the textbook (see pg. 21-40), 'soft legalism' refers to the notion that one's [x] activated God's [y] Obedience Grace
According to the LECTURE, what were the TWO characteristics of the Roman church A. Mainly Jews B. Mainly Gentiles C. United Church D. Divided Church Mainly Gentiles Divided Church
According to textbook (see pg. 21-40), we should consider the origins of Romans because it is: A. Treatise of Justification B. A Letter C. A history book D. A novel A Letter
According to the LECTURE, the theme of Romans is: The Gospel
According to the textbook (see pg. 21-40), proponents of the 'New Perspective on Paul' argue that 1st century Jews believed they were saved because: they belonged to God's covenant
According to the textbook (see pg. 21-40), what did Luther view as the "heart of Romans"? Justification by Faith
According to the textbook (see pg. 40-62), the phrase "the righteousness of God" in Romans 1:17 refers to: The Act of putting people in the right performed by God.
According to the textbook (see pg. 40-62), what is the "common denominator" that binds all the different theories behind the purpose of Romans? The missionary situation of Paul.
According to the textbook (see pg. 40-62), who is Paul confronting in Romans 1;19-32? All of humanity
According to the textbook (see pg. 40-62), the Old Testament roots of the word 'gospel' are found in: Isaiah
According to the textbook (see pg. 40-62), when associated with the salvation history scheme, the Spirit refers specifically to: The New Age
According to the textbook (see pg. 40-62), what phrase in Romans 1 "frames" the entire letter. The Obedience that comes by faith.
According to the textbook (see pg. 40-62), what verse in Romans 1 forms the "heading" for Romans 1:18-3:20? Verse 18
True or False: According to the textbook (see pg. 40-62), Romans 1:3-4 refers to the two natures of Christ. False
According to the textbook (see pg. 40-62), the "wrath of God" may be defined as "the necessary response of a perfect and holy God to violations of his [x]." Will (Not Law!)
True or False: According to the textbook (see pg. 40-62), justification is a moral act not a forensic act. False
According to the textbook (see pg. 40-62), the term "salvation history" refers to a scheme by which salvation is accomplished by God through "a [x] process divided into [y]." Historical, Stages
According to the textbook (see pg. 71-88), the phrase "the very words of God" in Romans 3:2 (NIV) refers to: The Old Testament
True or False: According to the textbook (see pg. 71-88), Paul's basic answer to the question in Romans 3:7 is that God must remain holy and judge sin, even if sin allows Him to display His mercy and glory. True
According to the textbook (see pg. 71-88), the Greek word hilasterion in Romans 3:25 REFERS to: The cover of the ark.
According to the textbook (see pg. 71-88), the phrase "under sin" in Romans 3:9 suggests: Humanity is under the power of sin.
According to the textbook (see pg. 71-88), the word "unrighteousness" in Romans 3:5 refers to: Unfaithfulness to the covenant.
True or False: According to the textbook (see pg. 71-88), the primary issue Paul is addressing when he uses the phrase "works of the Law" in Romans 3:20 is the possession of the Law. False
According to the textbook (see pg. 71-88), what section of Romans does Romans 3:1-8 anticipate? Romans 9-11 (The next 3 chapters after 8!)
According to the textbook (see pg. 71-88), the phrase "righteousness of God" in Romans 3:21 refers to: Justification
According to the textbook (see pg. 71-88), where does Paul explain how his gospel "upholds the law" (see Romans 3:31)? Romans 4
True or False: According to the textbook (see pg. 89-96), Paul argues that faith is a work in Romans 4. False
True or False: According to the textbook (see pg. 89-96), Paul argues in Romans 4:21 that Abraham displayed unwavering and perfect faith False
According to the textbook (see pg. 89-96), why does Paul emphasize in Romans 4 that Abraham was justified before he was circumcised? He thus unites Jew and Gentile. (Abram was a Gentile before God made him the first Jew.)
According to the textbook (see pg. 89-96), what does Paul exclude in Romans 4:13-17? The Law
True or False: According to the textbook (see pg. 89-96), the phrase "faith has no value and the promise is worthless" in Romans 4:14 suggests that linking faith with the law in the justification process would negate the true meaning of faith. False
According to the textbook (see pg. 89-96), what was the function of circumcision for Jews during the Intertestamental period? Separate the Jews from the Gentiles.
According to the textbook (see pg. 89-96), which of the following statements helps to explain why Paul appealed to Abraham's example in Romans 4? Some Jews in Paul's day venerated Abraham as an example of perfect obedience.
According to the textbook (see pg. 63-70), Romans 2:6-11 describes God's: Impartiality
According to the textbook (see pg. 63-70), the main point of the chiasm in Romans 2:6-11 is God's: Impartiality
According to the textbook (see pg. 63-70), Paul argues in Romans 2 that it is PRACTICALLY impossible for someone to be saved by good works because of the reality of: Sin
According to the textbook (see pg. 63-70), while Romans 1:21-32 discusses natural revelation, Romans 2 discusses God's [x] revelation. Special
According to the textbook (see pg. 63-70), a diatribe is a dialogue that proves an argument by means of (note you must select TWO answers): Questions & Answers
According to the textbook (see pg. 63-70), how does Paul "level the playing field" between Jew and Gentile? (This is from Chapter 2) Appealing to Natural Law
True or False: According to the textbook (see pg. 63-70), Paul is describing Gentile Christians in Romans 2:12-16. False (This chapter is on impartiality)
According to the textbook (see pg. 99-108), the focus of Romans 5:12-21 is: Righteousness and life in Christ
True or False: According to the textbook (see pg. 99-108), "death" in Romans 5:12 is only spiritual death. False
According to the textbook (see pg. 99-108), what is the best way to understand Paul's statements concerning sin in Romans 5:12, 18-19? To view Adam as a representative figure.
According to the textbook (see pg. 99-108), the focus of Romans 5-8 is on: The ethical implications of justification
According to the textbook (see pg. 99-108), what is the primary subject of Romans 5-8? Hope
Created by: matt.crumbley
Popular Religion sets




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