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Chapter 5

Polis Or city-state, which became basic political unit in Greece.
Acropolis Typical polis was built around a high area called a ___________
Agora Or Market place
Helots Or state slaves
Hoplites or foot soldiers
Hubris Or great pride
Democracy A form of government run by the people
Solon Another Law maker, Revised the laws again in the 590's BC overturning Draco's Harshest laws, also outlawed debt slavery and tried to reduce poverty by encouraging trade
Tyrant A stong man who siezed power by force and claimed to rule for the good of the people
Cleisthenes A reformer who took over athens. His reforms set stage for Athenian democracy
Direct democracy A type of system which all people vote directly on an issue is called a ______ _________.
Archon person who served as the cheif of state in athens
Phalanx A tight rectangle formation in which soldiers held long spears out ahead of a wall of shields
Pericles A skilled politician and a gifted public speaker.
Socrates The first of the great Athenian Philosephers
Plato one of Socrates students became a great philoshepher in his own right
Aristotle Among the Scholars who studied at the academy was ___________ the third of the Great Athenian philoshephers
Reason means Clear and ordered thinking
Logic the process of making inferences
Homer A poet who wrote two epic poems the Iliad and the Odyssey
Lyric Poetry Named after a musical intrument called the lyre that was often played to accompany the reading of this type of poetry.
Herodotus The first major writer of history in Greece was _______________
Thucydides A second major historian
Alexander the Great King Philip II's son
Hellenistic Or Greek like
Euclid Formulated many ideas about geometry that we still learn about today
Eratosthenes He is best known for calculating the size of the world
Acrhimedes Many of the advances in technology during the Hellenistic period were the work of this gifted man
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