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Chapter 25/26

The industrial revolution began in? England
____________ was a period of greatly increased output of machine-made goods. Industrial revolution
___________ believed that people should judge ideas, intstitutions, and actions on the basis of their usefulness. Utilitarism
__________ built the first spinning machine in the U.S. Samuel Slater
The invention that sped up weaving and was invented by Edmund Cartwright was ________________. power loom
The invention that combined the spinning jenny and the water frame to produce a stronger, finer, and more consistent thread was invented by Samuel Compton and called it the __________________. spinning mule
______________ is when workers control the government and after a period of cooperative living and education, the government would wither away as a classless society developed. Communism
A boat-shaped piece of wood that sped up the work of a weaver and was invented by John Kay was called the _______________. flying shuttle
The factors of production that are owned by people and operate for he welfare of all is called ________________. socialism
The invention that allowed one person to work eight threads at a time and was invented by James Hargreaves was called _______________. spinning jenny
_____________ was invented by Eli Whitney and separated cotton from seed. cotton gin
The growth of the _____________ played a major role in the growth of industry in the U.S. railroad
The person who invented the light bulb was _______________. Thomas Edison
A ____________ is a business owned by stockholders. corporation
________________ is the policy of extending one country's rule over many others. imperialism
Workers may _______ if their demands are not met. refuse
Great Britain's form of government is a _____________. democracy
__________________ extended suffrage to wealthy middle class in Great Britain. Reform Bill of 1832
By _______, voting rights to all men had been approved in Great Britain. 1884
Women finally gained the right to vote in the U.S. with the ____ amendment in ______. 19th, 1920
Many women such as _______________ were tortured because of their outspoken beliefs for women's rights that were seen as "radical" at the time. Alice Paul
The first European country to colonize Canada was ______. France
__________ took possession of Canada after the French and Indian way. Great Britain
Upper Canada (Ontario) was the province that had an __________ majority and Lower Canada (Quebec) had a ______________. English-speaking, French-speaking
1788 Britain colonized Australia with convicted criminals. Australia became a _______ colony which was a place where convicts were to serve their sentences. penal
in 1803, Thomas Jefferson bought the _________________ form France Louisiana Territory
In 1836, _______ revolted against Mexican rule and gained independence. Texans
in 1845, _______ was annexed by the U.S. Texas
In the settlement with Mexico, the U.S. acquired the areas of what? Arizona, California, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, and Calorado
The idea the the U.S. had the right and duty to rule North America form the Atlantic to the Pacific was called _______________. Manifest Destiny
The _____________________ of 1830 was passed by the U.S. government and it enabled the government to force Native Americans living in the east to move west. Indian Removal Act
The Cherokee tribe of Georgia was forced to move to Oklahoma 800 miles by foot known as the ______________. Trail of Tears
Tensions between the North and the South in the U.S. reached an all time high when __________ was elected president. Lincoln
The primary causes of the Civil WAr were disagreements over _________, and the ________ of the states to the west that was fueled by __________. state rights, economy, and slavery
Abraham Lincoln originally wanted to keep ________ in the south. He just wanted to stop slavery form ____________ to the new states to the west. slavery, spreading
The Civil War became a war about _________ when Lincoln decided that ending slavery would help save the ______. slavery, union
January 1, 1863, Lincoln issued the _________________ declaring that all slaves in the Confederate Staes were free. Emancipation Proclamation
On April 9, 1865, General _________________ of the south surrenders at _____________________. Robert E. Lee, Appomattox/VA
Lincoln was assassinated by ______________. John W. Booth
From 1865 to 1877 was a period of time known as ___________________ in the U.S. bringing the southern states into the Union. reconstruction
The 3 Civil War Amendments are ___, ____, ___. 13, 14, 15
The ___ amendment abolished slavery. 13
The ___ amendment gave blacks the right to vote. 15
The ___ amendment guaranteed blacks equal rights and citizenship. 14
Southern states imposed ____________ which placed blacks in a system of semi-slavery. black codes
Henry Ford used standardized ____________________ parts and produced them on the ____________ to make cars that were affordable. interchangeable, assembly line
French chemist, Louis Pasteur discovered _______________________. pasteurization
Charles Darwin is best known for his theory of ______________. evolution
Pierre and Marie Curie discovered _____________________. radioactivity
Dimitri Mendeleev organized elements and came up with the ________________. periodic table
Created by: 1539806753
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