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PHCC Phlebotomy

PHCC Phlebotomy Section 1 (Definitions)

The study of blood and blood forming tissues. Hematology
Major artery in the neck leading to the brain. Carotid
The bend of the arm, most common area for venipuncture. Antecubital Fossa
A protien substance which forms at base of clots. Fibrin
An abnormal accumulation of fluids in the tissues. Edema
A suffix meaning cell. Cyte
Destruction of RBC's causing the liberation of hemoglobin. Hemolysis
Largest artery of the body. Aorta
Thin layer of WBC's and platelets that lies between the plasma and RBC's. Buffy Coat.
An agent to prevent the coagulation of blood. Anticoagulant
A sugar (dextrose) an important carbohydrate in body metabolism. Glucose
Prefix meaning blood. Hemo
Inflammation of the liver of viral or toxic origin. Hepatitis
Prefix indicating blood. Hema
Lack of emotion; without feeling. Apathy
Large vein in the outer most side of the upper arm. Cephalic Vein
An upper chamber of the heart. Atrium
The diameter of a needle. Gauge
The attachment of a vein to an artery to change the flow of blood. Fistula
Unable to think or express thoughts clearly. Incoherent
The concentration of blood due to prolonged application of a tourniquet. Hemoconcentration
Assigning a unique number for patient identification. Accessioning
A vessel through which oxygenated blood passes away from the heart to tissues. Artery
Smallest blood vessel that connects arteries and veins. Capillary
A localized collection of blood. Hematoma
The vein and artery that is located in the groin. Femoral Vein and Femoral Artery
The volume percentage of erythrocytes in whole blood. Hematocrit
Objective awareness; the recognition of another person's feelings. Empathy
A drug used for cardiac disorders. Digoxin (lanoxin)
A blood thinning agent. Patients taking this medicine are monitored by a PT. Coumadin
A machine which spins test tubes at high speeds causing the RBC's to settle to the bottom and allowing plasma or serum to rise to the top of the tube. Centrifuge
A small arterial branch which leads into a capillary. Arteriole
Artery which lies beneath the basilica vein and the anticubital fossa. Brachial Artery
Protein not normally present in the body and when introduced into the body stimulates the production of an antibody. Antigen
Large vein on the inner side of the upper arm. Basilic Vein
The most abundant protein in plasma. Albumin
A protein produced by plasma cells in lymphoid tissue which reacts with foreign substances in the body. Antibody
Condition in which the normal amount of RBC's is reduced. Anemia
Created by: kristenc
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