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ch 2 p25-51

Imperialism Policy of one nation acquiring, controlling or dominating another country or region.(帝国主义,帝国主义政策)
militarism A nation's policy of training, equipping and maintaining armed forces ready for war.(军国主义; 尚武精神)
Slavic relating to ppls in eastern, southern, and centre Europe, including russian,serbians,croatians,poles, czechs斯拉夫语的,斯拉夫语言
alliance A union or agreement among groups working toward a common goal 结盟,同盟,同盟条约; 同盟者
Triple alliance the alliance of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy prior to the WW1 三国同盟
Triple Entente The alliance of France, Britain and russia prior to the WW1协约国
Black Hand a terrorist group of Bosnian Serbs that was determined to free Bosnia from Austria-Hungary黑手党,从事诈骗恐吓等活动的秘密团体
Profiteering making a profit by raising prices on needed goods or producing poor quality material 暴利
War measures act an act that gives the federal government emergency powers during wartime,right to detain ppl without laying charges战争手段的行为
Habeas corpus the right of a detained person to be brought before a judge or other official to decide whether the detention is lawful人身保护权
enemy alien a national living in a country that is at war with his/her homeland 敌国侨民,敌国人
Deport to send a person back to his/her country of origin 驱逐(非本国居民)出境
Internment Camp 俘虏收容所 a government-run camo where ppl who r considered a threat are detained
schlieffen plan Germany's plan to stage a two-front war with russia in the east and france in the west.
No man's land the area between the trenches of two opposing force 真空地带
Western front the area of fighting in western Europe during the ww1, characterized by trench warfare and inconclusive battle with heavy casualties on both sides西方战线
artillery large gun used to fire shell大炮
war of attrition a milliatry strategy based on exhausting the enemy's manpower and resources before yours are exhausted. Usually involving grat losses on both side 消耗战
casualties those injured, killed,captured 伤亡者
bioplane an airplane with two sets of wings双翼飞机
reconnaissance military search (执行侦察任务的)巡逻队、飞行队等
dogfight aerials duels between aircraft
sharpshooter a person skilled in shooting
ace a fighter pilot who has shot down five enemy aircraft
allegiance loyalty 忠诚,拥护
merchant marine civilian ships or sailors that transported food, weapons
convoy a group of ship traveling together protected by an armed force护航队
honor rationing 荣誉配给 a civilian effort to consume less and conserve supplies on the home front
income tax a tax on personal income
corporate tax a tax charged to business based on their total revenus
conscription force enlistment in the armed forces of all fit man of certain ages征兵
Military service act a 1917 act that made conscription compulsory for all Canadian men between the ages of 20-45, calling up the younger men first
conscientious objector 拒服兵役的人
labour movement group organized to improve conditions for worker
Military voters act an act that allowed men and women serving overseas to vote
wartime election act 战时选举法案
Khaki election the name given to the 1917 federal election cuz of Borden's effort o win the military vote
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