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Chapter 6

Chapter 6 Study Guide

What are the 3 causes of the French Revolution? Financial Crisis, Enlightenment ideas and inequality in society.
What groups made up the first and second estate? Clergy and Nobles.
Who made up the third estate? Bourgeoisie, Sanculottes and Peasants.
Who were the Sansculottes? Skilled workers.
What was the social and political structure of France called? Old Order.
Who was at the top of this social structure? Louis XVI
What percentage of the population did the first social group make up? 1 percent.
What percentage of the population did the second social group make up? 2 percent.
What percentage of the population did the third social group make up? 97 percent.
Which social groups were tax exempt? List 2 First and Second estate.
Which social group had to pay 10 percent of their income to the church? Third Estate
How were the bourgeoisie and nobility similar? What was the only major difference between them? Both had education and wealth, bourgeoisie didn't have influence in government.
What were 3 causes of the financial crisis in France and explain each cause in detail? Weather conditions, debt from paying for warfare and first and second estate didnt have to pay taxes third estate did and were least wealthy.
How did Enlightenment ideas affect the French Revolution? Why were they significant? What did they change in society? Empowered the third estate, wanted to rise against authority, wanted influence in the government.
What happened at the Storming of the Bastille? Launay was killed by a mob and decapitated and dragged on the ground.
The National Assembly began transforming what? Centuries of French tradition.
In early August 1789 the National Assembly had eliminated what two things? Took away the dues and the First estate's legal privliges.
In late August the National Assembly had adopted what? Declaration of rights, The Declaration of Independence and the Enlightenment.
Once the royal family was made to return to Paris the Revolution's leaders took bold steps by passing anticlerical measures. What were those measures? They took church land, sold land to pay debt and called clergy public employees
In 1791 the National Assembly finally completed what? Completed Constitution.
Why would Austria and Hungry issue a declaration warning against hurt French monarchy? The queen from Austria and they didn't want her to get hurt.
What did the extreme mob do on August 10th 1792 and what haooened to the royal family? Went to palace killed guards.
The violence in August helped put what kind of faction in control of the government? Changed into radical government.
What had the Girondins hoped to avoid? They had hoped to avoid a trial.
What had the Girondins hoped to avoid? They had hoped to avoid a trial.
What did the Montagnards want to do and why? To try and execute the king in order to prevent a return of the monarchy and to defend the Revolution from it's enemies.
What did the Montagnards want to do and why? To try and execute the king in order to prevent a return of the monarchy and to defend the Revolution from it's enemies.
What happened to the king January 21, 1793 The king was scheduled to die.
What happened to the king January 21, 1793 The king was scheduled to die.
What was the Reign of Terror and who started it? The mountain began a series of accusations, trials and executions; creating a wave of fear throughout the country.
What was the Reign of Terror and who started it? The mountain began a series of accusations, trials and executions; creating a wave of fear throughout the country.
What did Robspierre declare was needed? That the need to use terror to defend the republic from its many enemies
What did Robspierre declare was needed? That the need to use terror to defend the republic from its many enemies
Who did the Revolutionary Tribunal start its campaign with and why? Starrted with Girondists who were seen as a threat to the Revolution because they had favored a Constitutional Army.
Who was the largest group of victims during the Reign of Terror? Peasants and Laborers.
What happended to the leader of the Reign of Terror, Robspierre? He became a victim.
How long did the Reign of Terror last? 10 months.
What was the Directory? Governing board made up of five men called Directors.
What was the Directory? Governing board made up of five men called Directors.
What did the Directors do and were they eefective? Passed some financial reforms that helped farmers and improved trade.
What did the Directors do and were they eefective? Passed some financial reforms that helped farmers and improved trade.
Why did France's troubles continue? The Directors were weak and corrupt.
Why did the Directory resemble the Old Order? High prices, bankruptcy, citizen unrest.
Created by: sandybr
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