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Global 10-9th Review

Global 10- 9th MT Review

study the remains of old civilizations to learn about how they lived arhaeologists and anthropologists
study the economy, movement of goods/people economists
study society sociologists
written as the event occurred (autobiography, diary, entry) primary source
change to farming, there was a surplus of food, the rise of civilization agricultural revolution neolithic revolution
spread of ideas, customs, and technologies from one people to another cultural diffusion
people traded food for services in this type of economy traditional-barter economy
government, religion, social classes, art/architecture, cities, public works, writing system eight features of civilization
Egypt/Nile, India/Indus, Sumer/Tigris and Euphrates, China/Hung He River Valley Civilizations
Indus Valley cities, showed urban planning Mohenjo-Daro and Harrappa
a democracy (Athens) and military states (Sparta) Greece
a model of law (Twelve Tables) Rome
the spread of ideas, customs and technology from one group of people to another cultural diffusion
good government, economy, learning takes place, advances in math/science/medicine, etc. Age of Pericles, Gupta Empire, Pax Roma, Han Dynasty Golden Age
corrupt government, lousy military Fall of Rome
crossroads of civilization between Europe and Asia Byzantine Empire
polytheistic, caste system, karma, dharma, moksha, Brahmin Hinduism
the Buddha, no gods, Four Noble Truths, Eight Fold Path, nirvana Buddhism
right way to live, filial piety, Five Relationships, civil service exam Confucianism
harsh laws and strict punishment legalism
hippie religion oneness with nature Daoism
monotheistic, founded by Jesus Christ, Ten Commandments, sacraments, Bible Christianity
first monotheistic faith, Ten Commandments, Torah Judaism
monotheistic faith, founder was Muhammad, Quran, Five Pillars, 622 AD Islam
African belief in natural spirits, no god Animism
Japanese belief in natural spirits, no god Shintoism
manor economy, self-sufficiency, land for military service, loyalty (Europe and Japan), medieval Europe, gave order Feudalism
period of no new learning in Europe, Catholic Church kept all knowledge Middle Ages
Roman Catholic/Eastern Greek Orthodox (Russia) Catholic Church
Constantinople: the crossroads of civilization, cultural diffusion, preserved Greek/Roman ideas, Justinian Code (law) Byzantine Empire
honor codes for knights Chivalry and Bushido
history's most successful failure, goal was to take Jerusalem from the Muslims (failed), increased trade between Asia and Europe, hatred between Christians and Muslims Crusades
1215, England King forced to sign it (limited king's power) Magna Carter
Japanese isolation, centralized feudalism Tokugawa Shogunate
gold and salt trade Ghana, Mali, Songhai
other African trading kingdoms Axum and Kush
1348-1351 death of feudalism, 1/3 of Europe died, disease carried to Europe by rates on Asian trading ships Black Plague
rebirth of European civilization, Greek/Roman ideas return, ideas of humanism (power of an individual), church's influence decreases Renaissance
The Prince= the end justifies the means Machiavelli
turning point, Martin Luther, 95 Theses, protest Catholic Church (indulgences) Protestant Reformation
Council of Trent, changed Catholic Church to deal with Protestant challenge Catholic Reformation (Counter Reformation)
Chinese explorer= China isolated after he died Zheng He
Muslim, centered in Europe/Middle East, "sick man of Europe" Ottoman Empire
trade route to Asia (Constantinople fell, need a way to get to spices) people wanted to learn about the new world because of Renaissance Age of Exploration
Columbus/Columbian Exchange (cultural diffusion) European explorers
Cortez/Spanish conquered it, Mexico, strong government Aztec Empire
Peru, mountainous terrain, terrace farming, advanced civilization, network of roads Inca Empire
Popular World History sets




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