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Religion Exam Review

the three persons in one God: the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit Blessed Trinity
to share the life of God with all people and to save them from sin Jesus'mission
the power of God's love active in our lives and in the world Kingdom of God
men chosen by Jesus to share in his mission in a special way Apostles
proclaiming the good news of Christ by what we say and do Evangelization
the official public prayer of the church Liturgy
Christ's passion, death, resurrection from the dead, and Ascension into heaven Paschal Mystery
an effective sign given to us by Jesus though which we share in God's life Sacrament
the gift of sharing in God's life that we receive in the sacraments Sanctifying grace
the call to holiness and evangelization that all Christians share Common vocation
sharing in God's goodness an responding to his love by the way we live our holiness comes through grace Holiness
the sacrament in which we are freed from sin, become children of God, and are welcomed into th church Baptism
the truth that the Son of God became man Incarnation
someone who speaks on behalf of God, defends he truth, and works for justice Prophet
the sacrament in which we receive the gift of the Holy Spirit in a special way Confirmation
the sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ; Jesus is truly present under the appearances of bread and wine Eucharist
a gift offerd to God by a priest in the name of all the people Sacrifice
the part of the Mass that unites us as a community; it prepares us to hear God's word and to celebrate the Eucharist Introductory Rights
the part of the Mass in which the death and resurrection of Christ are made present again; our gifts of bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Christ, which we receive in Holy Communion Liturgy of the Eucharist
the part of the eucharistic prayer when by the power of the Holy Spirit and through the words and actions of the priest, the bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Christ Consecration
a day we are obliged to participate in the Mass to celebrate a special event in the life of Jesus, Mary, or the saints Holy day of Obligation
blessings, actions, and objects that help us respond to God's grace received in the sacramets Sacramentals
a turning to God with all one's heart Conversion
a thought,word,deed or omission against God's law Sin
the sacrament by which our relationship with God and the Church is strenghtened or restored and our sins are forgiven Reconciliation
living in happiness with God forever Eternal Life
the last part of the mass in which we are blessed and sent forth to be Christ's servants in the world and to love others as he has love us Concluding Rite
When did the Holy Spirit come to the apostles? Pentecost
We are joined to Jesus Christ and to one another. If we are the branches, what is Jesus? Jesus is the vine and we are the branches
What are the seven sacraments? Baptism, confirmation, eucharist, holy orders, matrimony, reconciliation, anointing of the sick
What are the sacraments of initiation? Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation
What are the sacraments of Healing? Reconciliaton, Anointing of the sick
What are the sacraments of the Service to Others? Holy Orders, Matrimony
What is the foundation of Christian life? Baptism
What are the symbols of Baptism? white garment, water, lit candle chrism
What do the symbols mean? white garment- new life in Christ water- washing away original sin lit candle- Christ lights the child's life Chrism- gift of the Holy Spirit
What does Baptism free us from? original sin
joyful preparation for the coming of God Advent
celebrate the birth of Jesus Christmas
Begins on Ash Wednesday, prepare for triduum Lent
Most important celebration Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, we remember the death of Jesus Triduum
rejoice in Jesus ressurrection Easter
celebrate and learn about Jesus' life Ordinary time
What are the symbols of Confirmation? anointing of chrism, laying on of hands be sealed whith the gift of the Holy Spirit
who celebrates Cofirmation? Bishop
Who do we become more like in Confirmation? Jesus Christ
What are the symbols of Eucharist? bread and wine
What institued the sacrament of the Eucharist? Passover
What does the Eucharist give us? promise of eternal life
Created by: frandy04
Popular Religion sets




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