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Afterlife a life after death
Mummy a dead body preserved in lifelike condition
Pyramid a huge building with four sloping triangle shaped sides; built as royal tombs in Egypt
Giza an ancient Egyptian city; the site of the Great Pyramid
Horus the sky god and the god of kingship. Son of Osiris and Isis
Osiris god of the afterlife
Isis goddes of women. Wife of Osiris. Worshiped as the great mother who protected her children
Thoth god of wisdom and of writing
Amon-Re sun god and god of creation
The ancient Egyptians believed that their gos controlled what? life, death, and all of nature
How do the Egyptians prepare a body? wrap it in many strips of fine linen and place it in a gold covered coffin decorated to resemble the king
What was an important part of daily life of Egyptians Religion
What did Egyptians build to honor their gods? Temples
Egyptians offered what to their gods? food, gifts and prayers
What were regional differences of the Egyptians? towns had their own gods and goddesses with their own temples
Name some of the different gods that Egyptians believed in? gods with human bodies and animal heads, sun god, falcon god
Who was the chief god of the ancient Egyptians and what did he do? Amon-Re He protected the rich and the poor alike
The Egyptians believed what about Amon-Re? he was born each morning in the east with the sunrise. Each evening he died in the west with the setting of the sun
Why is the desert area to the west believed to be the home of the dead? Because the Egyptians believed the god Amon-Re died every evening in the west.
How do we know today that Egyptian's believed in life after death? evidence found in art and artifacts left behind
What did the Egyptians believe the journey to the Afterlife was like? * spirits of the dead made their way to the afterlife in heavenly boats * If they pleased the gods they joined Osiris & lived a life of ease and pleasure *Spent days eating, drinking & visiting those who died
What did Egyptians bury the dead with and why? food, clothing and other items from this life. Because they thought they could not survive without them.
During which of the three kingdoms did Egyptians think only kings could journey to the Afterlife? Old Kingdom
During which of the three kingdoms did Egyptians think all classes could journey to the Afterlife? Middle Kingdom
Before pyramids, how did Egyptians prepare their dead? They buried them in the desert in shallow pits
What did religious beliefs say about the soul? The soul would leave the mummy, but return to it to receive food offerings.
When did the Egyptians begin to practice mummification? during the Fourth Dynasty
Describe mummification? * expensive * took 2 to 3 months * organs were removed * the body was filled with natural salt and stored for 40 days * Once the body was dry it was cleaned and bathed in spices * wrapped in long linen bandages * artisans cared the coffin
What was different about Pharaohs coffins? they had 3 or 4 coffins which were inside one another * coffin was shaped like a human with the dead persons face painted on it
Pharaoh's tombs were... planned as soon as they were crowned
The pharaohs of the Fourth Dynasty build the most famous and largest tombs called... pyramids
What is the name of the largest pyramid built in Giza? The Great Pyramid
Give some facts about The Great Pyramid * made of 2 million + stones * average weight of each stone 5,000lbs * Each stone hauled up the side of the pyramid * could take more than 20 yrs to build * located at the West Bank of the Nile * pyramid square set to face the main points of compass
What did workers use to haul the stone for the pyramids? sleds, wooden rollers, levers
Pyramid workers were... NOT slaves but peasants
Created by: carmanbc
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