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Diegestive System

Digestive systyem notes

where does protein digestion start? It starts in stomach and is finished in small intestine
what breaks protein down? Mainly gastric juices enzyme pepsin partially digest protein. Pancreatic enzyme and intestinal enzymes do the rest.
What breaks fat down? bile contains no enzymes but emulsifies fats into the duodenum to break down into small droplets
what does pancreatic lipase do in fat digestion? it emulsifies fats in small intestine
what happens in absorption? digested food moves from intestine into blood or lymph.
where does food and most water absorption take place? small intestine
what may be absorbed in large intestine? water
where is carbohydrate digestion located? mainly small intestine
whats breaks down carbohydrates in digestion? pancreatic amylase,intestinal juices enzymes
what is digestion? changes foods so that they can be used by cells.
what are the two types of digestion? Mechanical and chemical digestion
what is mechanical digestion? physical movement, physical changes in food
what is chemical digestion? when food is broken down by chemicals such as enzymes
what is the appendix? worm like tubular structure located off the cecum of the large intestine that has no important function in humans
how long is the large intestine ? 5 feet long
where is the large intestine located? forms lower portion of digestive system
what passes through the large intestine? undigested and unabsorbed food enter large intestine after passing through the ileocecal valve
what is the ileocecal valve? A sphincter that is the junction of the small intestine and the large intestine
how long does it take material to pass through the large intestine? 3 to 5 days
What are the subdivisions of the large intestine in order? cecum, ascending colon , transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon, rectum, anal canal
what is the exterior opening called? anus
what is the wall of the large intestine made of ? smooth muscles fibers
what movements occur in the large intestine ? the contracting smooth muscles fibers to produce churning, peristalsis, and defecation
where is the pancreas located? behind stomach
what is the function of the pancreas? secretes pancreatic juices
what do pancreatic juices do? contains enzyme
Created by: bets98
Popular Medical sets




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