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History 1 Ross.

Byzantines, Russians, Islam

What happened in 1054? The Schism of 1054
What is the Schism of 1054? Split of Christianity-Eastern Orthodoxy + Roman Catholic Church
What are some rules of the Roman Catholic Church? Pope was the head Clergy could not marry Icons were not really used Christmas was most important LATIN could not divorce
What are some rules of Eastern Orthodoxy? Patriarch was head of Church- Kings rule clergy can marry used icons Easter is most important GREEK divorce is sometimes allowed
What is a patriarch? A principle bishop in EO
Icons? religious images used for worship
Iconoclasts? people who destroyed icons
Who was Justinian? An emporer of the Byzantine empire
What did Justinian do? Recovered North Africa and Rome Set up Justinians Code Rebuilt fortifications- Hagia Sophia (Church)
What was the Nika Rebellion? Riots from the people of the Byzantine empire because a noble broke up a riot at the hippodrome too harshly
What happens to Justinian's empire? The plague breaks out killings many Constantinople gets attacked by many tribes
Who were the Slavs? A group of people who live in Russia
Who is Rurik? The first slavic king who was actually a viking- founded Novgorod
Who is Oleg? A nobleman who moved south of Novgorod and founded Kiev
Who is Princess Olga? Ruler of Kiev until her son was old enough- converted to christianity
Who is Vladimir? Converted himself+Kiev to christianity
Who is Yaroslav the Wise? Vladimir's son Made the Pravda Russkaia made alliances with Byzantines created libraries+churches
What caused Kiev to rise? Good trade routes
What caused Kiev to decline? Yaroslav dies and his state his divided amongst his sons Mongols destroy it crusades in Constantinople disrupt trade
Who were the Mongols? Nomadic people from central Asia Very brutal conquerers
Who was Genhis Khan? Leader of the Mongols -had an army based on China's -each sodier was properly equipted (leather armor) -strategist:quick+efficient
What was the Mongols impact on history? -Created largest lad based empire in history -Kingdom is split into 4 khanates
What was the Golden Horde? A region created by the Mongols which was actually Russia
Who was Alexander Nevsky? A prince who advised his fellow princes to not rebel and to pay the Mongols tribute
Who was Ivan 1? "Moneybags" became a tax collector for the Mongols to gain trust-leading to the take over of Russia Becomes Tsar
What is Islam? A religion of one god (Muslims)
What is the shari'a? a body of laws governing the muslims
What are the 5 pillars? Faith Prayer Alms Fasting Pilgrimage
What is al-Andalas? A region in Spain Capitol=Cordoba
What is an astrolabe? measures latitude
What is an armillary sphere? determines the date (lunar calendar)
Who were the Seljuks? Migrating turkish people Took over the Abbasids Made Baghdad capitol Adopted Persia culture ALL UNDER MALIK SHAH
What was the House of Wisdom? A school that doubled as a library, meeting house, or anything else it needed to be. Learned everything there
Who were the people of the book? Jews and Christians were to Muslims
Who were rightly guided caliphs? Used military to say that victories were from God's will Capital=Mecca Had religious tolerence
Umayyads? Split Islam into Sunni, Sufi, and Shi'a Wealthy Capital=Damascus Put hereditary succession back in place
Abbasids? Capital=Baghdad created a strong bureaucracy empire gets divided into regions Trade flourished
Created by: 1724096731
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