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aa of each
Ab Abortion
abd abdomen
abs absent
admin administer
AM or a.m before noon
amt amount
AP apical pulse
approx approximately
appt appointment
ASA acetysalicylic acid
ASAP as soon as possible
BA backache
b/c because
BC birth control
bid twice a day
BM bowel movement
BP Blood pressure
BPM beats per minute
BS blood sugar
BSE breast self examination
c with
caps capsules
cath catheter, catheterize
cc chief complaint
chemo chemotherapy
CMA certified medical assistant
c/o complains of
cs cesarean section
cx cervix
d day
/d per day
dic discontinue
d&l dry and intact
dil dilute
disch discharge
DNKA did not keep appointment
DOB date of birth
DOI date of injury
DRE digital rectal examination
DSD dry,sterile dressing
D&V diarrhea and vomiting
ea each
ED emergency department
EDD expected date of delivery
Fe iron
freq frequent
F/U follow up
Fx fracture
GYN gynecology
h or hr hour
H/A headache
HBP high blood pressure
HC head circumference
Hep B Hepatitis B
flex sig flexible sigmoidoscopy
OB obstretrics
occ occasionally
oint ointment
op operation
OR operating room
OT occupational therapy
OTC over the counter
OV office visit
P pulse
Pap pap test
path pathology
pc after meals
peds pediatrics
PEN penicillin
per by or through
pharm pharmacy
PM or p.m afternoon
PMS premenstrual syndrome
po or PO by mouth
pos positive
postop postoperative
preop preoperative
prep preparation
prn as needed
PT physical therapy
Pt or pt patient
qd every day
qh every hour
q(2,3,4)hr every (2,3,4) hours
qn every night
QNS quantity not sufficient
QS quantity sufficient
qod every other day
R respiration
quad quadriplegic
R respiration
RE rectal examination
reg regular
rehab rehabilitation
RMA registered medical assistant
Rx prescription
s without
SC or SQ subcutaneous
S/E side effects
sec second
sigmoid sigmoidoscopy
sl slight
sm small
SOB shortness of breath
sol solution
spec specimen
STAT immediately
surg surgery
T temperature
ther therapy
tid three times a day
TLC total lung capacity , tender loving care
TPR temperature , pulse , and respiration
tr trace
TSE testicular self-examination
vag vagina vaginal
VE vaginal examination
vit vitamin
VO verbal order
VS vital signs
wk week
WNL within normal limits
WO written order
w/o without
wt weight
W/U workup
abd abdomen
AD right ear
AS left ear
AU in each ear , both ears
EENT eye , ear , nose , and throat
GI gastrintestinal
GU genitourinary
lt left
LA left arm
LL left leg
LLQ lower left quadrant
LRQ lower right quadrant
LUQ left upper quadrant
OD right eye
OS left eye
OU in each eye , both eyes
rt right
RA right arm
RL right leg
RLQ right lower quadrant
RUQ right upper quadrant
C Celsius
cc cubic centimeter
cm centimeter
dL deciliter
F fahrenheit
g gram
kg kilogram
L liter
lb pound
m meter
mcg microgram
mg milimeter
ml mililiter
mm milimeter
oz ounce
pt pint
qt quart
ss one half
T tablespoon
tsp teaspoon
Dx diagosis
H/O history of
H&P history and physical
Hx history
MHx medical history
PE or Px physical examination
prog prognosis
Sx symptoms
Tx treatment
BPH benign prostatic hyperplasia
CA cancer
CAD coronary artery disease
CHF congestive heart failure
COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
CRC colorectal cancer
CVA cerebrovascular accident
DM diabetes mellitus
DVT deep vein thrombosis
Fe def iron deficiency
GC gonorrhea
GDM gestational diabetes mellitus
HTN hypertension
IBS irritable bowel movement
MI myocardial infarction
MS multiple sclerosis
OA osteoarthritis
OM otitis media
PID pelvic inflammatory disease
RA rheumatoid arthritis
RF rheumatoid fever
STD sexually transmitted disease
TB tubeculosis
URI urinary respiratory infection
USI urinary stress incontinence
UTI urinary tract infection
CT , CAT computed axial tomography
CXR chest x-ray
ECG eletrocairdiogram
Echo echocardiogram
EEG eletrenphalogram
FOBT fecal occult blood test
IVP intravenous pyelogram
LP lumbar puncture
MRI magnetic resonance imaging
NST nonstress test
PFT pulmonary function test
TRUS transrectal ultrasound
US ultrasound
ABG arterial blood gas
BG blood glucose
Bx biopsy
CBC complete blood count
C&S culture and sensitivity
diff differential
ESR erythrocyte sedimentation rate
FBG fasting blood glucose
FBS fasting blood sugar
glucose challenge test
GTT glucose tolerance test
Hct hematocrit
Hgb hemoglobin
OGTT oral glucose tolerance test
PET positron emission tomography
PPBS postprandial blood sugar
PSA prostate-specific antigen
PT prothrombin time
RBC red blood cell
RBS random blood sugar
SG specific gravity
trig triglycerides
UA urinalysis
U/C urine culture
WBC white blood cell
Created by: brooklynncrowe
Popular Medical sets




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