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Stack #1090392

Chapter 4 - Ancient Egypt

A writing paper or plant is ___________ papyrus
A building with a square base, four triangular sides, and a pointed top is a ______________ pyramid
An ancient Egyptian king was called a ______________ pharaoh
Archaeologist discovered picture type writing called ______________________ hieroglyphics
To travel upstream is to travel (against/with) the flow of the river against
Who wore make up on their faces? Egyptian men and women
True/False. Egyptians and Sumarians believed in one god. False - many
True/False. Archaeologist found instruments in tombs. True
Farmers dug this to irrigate their fields: _____________________ canals
The Rosetta Stone helped Archaelogists understand _____________________ hieroglyphics
Egyptians built pyramids without machinery or _______________ _______________ iron tools
True/False. Archaeologist know exactly how the Egyptians moved the rocks to build the pyramids. False - they aren't sure
The flooding of the Nile River caused the soil to be ________________________ fertile
Who was the first pharoah? King Menes
The Nile River valley, the Sahara, used to be what before it became a desert? Jungle
Egyptians paid this to run the government: ________________________ taxes
The Nile River flows from south to north therefore Lower Egypt was in the ______________ and Upper Egypt was in the ______________ north and south
Because the Egyptian pharaohs and nobles wanted to have items for the next life, they ______________ their goods (i.e. pottery, jewelry, etc.) inside the pyramid buried or placed
Why did people settle in the Nile River valley? The land was fertile and there was a supply of water.
Why did Egyptians wear makeup? Egyptians were very concerned about their looks.
Why did people leave the Sahara? They went in search of water because the Sahara had become a desert and they couldn't farm.
Why did farmers have to leave for higher ground in July? The Nile river would flood the farmland and fields.
Why did pharaohs have people build the pyramids? The pharaohs wanted to be honored when they died and to ensure that they had everything they needed for the after life.
What was kohl used for? It was used for makeup for their eyes.
Which god did the Egyptians believe they would meet after they died? The Egyptians thought they would meet Osiris, the god of death.
Where can you see Egyptian artifacts today? Ancient Egyptian artigacts are in museums.
Why did King Menes wear a "double" crown? He wore a double crown to show that he unified Lower and Upper Egypt.
Created by: belfrom.misty
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