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Chapter 8

What has been a prominant feature of human history? exchange of goods among communities occupying different ecological zones
What has long motivated exchange? Uneven distribution of goods and resources
What linked and shaped distant societies and peoples? Long-distance trade
How was trade significant? Altered consumption
Why did trade affect the day to day working lives of many ppl? Encouraged ppl to specialize in producing particular products for sale in distant markets rather than for use in their own communities
What did trade diminish? The economic self sufficieny of local societies
Trade shaped ___? Societies
__ became a distinct social group? Traders
Trade became a means of? Social mobility
Chinese merchants could? Purchase landed estates and establish themselves within the gentry class
How did long distance trade also enable elite groups in society to distinguish themselves from commoners? Aquired prestigious goods from a distance (silk, tortoise shells, rhinoceros horn, or particular feathers)
The association with ___ of ten conveyed status in commerce more remote from major civs? Faraway or powerful societies signaled by the possession of their luxury goods
What was sometimes transformed by trade? Political life
__ motivated the creation of states in various parts of the world and sustained those states once that had been constructed? Wealth available from controlling and taxing trade
What posed a set of problems to governments? Commerce
Trade became ___ for the spread of religous ideas, tech innovations, disease bearing germs, and plants and animals to regions far from their place of origin? The vehicle
__ made its wat from India to Central and East Asia? Buddhism
___ crossed the Sahara into West Africa? Islam
Where did the Black Death devastate? Eurasia
What did outer Eurasia consist of? Relatively warm, well-watered areas, suitable for agriculture
Eurasia provided the setting for which great civs? China, India, Middle East, Mediterranean
Where was innner Eurasia? The lands of eastern Russia and Central Asia
What did inner Eurasia consist of? Harsher and drier climate, most not conduvtive for agriculture
What were products of the forest and semi arid northern grasslands called? Steppes (hides, fur, livestock, wool, and amber)
What were steppes exchanged for? Agricultural products and manufactured goods of adjacent civs
What served to diffuse Indo-European languages, bronce metallurhy, horse-based tech, and more all across Eurasia? Movement of pastoral ppls
What did the Han dynasty seek? Control the nomadic Xiongnu and to fain access to the powerful "heavenly horses" that were important to Chinese military forces
By the early centuries of the Common Era, indirect trading connections often brokered by pastoral ppls linked ___? The classical civs in a t=network of transcontinental exchange
When did Silk Road trading prosper most? When large and powerful states provided security for merchants and travelers
What centuries did the Silk Road trade flourish again? 17th and 18th centuries CE
___ created an almost continuous belt of strong states across Eurasia? The Muslim Abbasid dynasty and Tang dynasty (China)
In the 13th and 14th centuries ___ briefly encompassed almost the entire route of the Silk Roads in a single state(giving a renewed vitality to long distance trade)? Mongul Empire
What usually carried an array of goods? Camel caravans(transferred the harsh and dangerous steppes, deserts, and oases of Central Asia)
What system symbolized Eurasian exchange system? Silk
Where was the demand for silk and cotton textiles? Roman Empire
In both ___ and ___ silk became a symbol of high status (gov passed laws that restricted silk clothing to members of the elite)? China and Byzantine Empire
Silk became associated with the sacred in the expanding ___? World religions of Buddhism and Christianity
Silk wall hangings, altar covers, and vestments became highly prestigious signs of __ and ___? Devotion and piety
Where did the silk industry not develop until the 12th century? Western Europe
What did the Silk Road focus on? Luxury goods
Peasants in the Yangzi River delta of southern China gave up cultivation of food crops for? Producing silk, paper, porcelain, lacquer ware, and iron tools
Mor important than the Silk Roads impact on the economy was? Conduit of culture
What city did branches of the Silk Road join in Western China? Dunhuang
Where was the absence of written language? Central Asia
What ppl controlled alot of northern China after the collapse of the Han dynasty? Nomadic Jie ppl
Who was the leader of the Jie ppl? Shi Le
What did the spreading of Buddhism through the Silk Road do? Chnaged Buddhism
___ disease devastated Rome and China and collapsed their political life? Small pox and measles
What carried the bubonic plague via seaborne trade with India? Rats
Constantinople the capital city of Byzantine Empire lost how many ppl a day during a 40 day period? 10,000
Where was the most well-known dissemination of disease? Mongul Empire
What did disease in the Mongol Empire do? Unified much of Eurasian landmass during the 13th and 14th centuries
What facilitated the spread of the Black Death? Era of intensified interaction
What is identified with the Black Death? Bubonic plague, anthrax, packcage of epidemic disease (from China to Europe)
Between 1346 and 1350 how much of the population perished in Europe? 1/3
Who benefited from the Black Death? Tenant farmers and urban workers
Why did tenant farmers and urban workers benefit from the Black Death? Demand higher wages or better terms
What did disease do to China (Mongols)? Permanently altered the balance between pastoral and agricultural ppls to the advantage of settled farmers
What shaped the lives of millions and altered their historical development? Disease carried by long distance trade
What had been an avenue of maritime commerce throughout the region(which continued during the post classical era)? Mediterranean Sea
What Italian city emerged by 1000 CE and became a major center of commerce with ships and mercahnts active in the Mediterranean, Black Sea, and Atlantic Coast? Venice
Where did most of Venice's goods from Asia come through? Red Sea through Egyptian port of Alexandria
What linked maritime commerce of the Mediterranean Sea to Seaborne trade in the Indian Ocean basin? The transgretional exchange with Venice
What was the worlds largest sea-based system of communication and exchange stretching from South China to East Africa? Indian Ocean
What provided incentives for Indian Ocean commerce? Porcelain-China, spices-Southeast Asia, cotton goods and pepper-India, ivory, gold-African coast
Where was Christianity introduced? Ethiopia and Kerala
What added to the momentum of commercial growth? Chinese technology innovations(larger ships and compass)
What transformed all of its participants in one way or another? Oceanic commerce
What did Malway sailors do? Opened all sea route between India and China through staits of Malacca in 350 CE
What did the Malay kingdom of Srivijaya do? Dominated critical choke point of Indian Ocean trade
Srivijaya access to gold, spices, and taxes on levied on passing ships provided? Resources to attract supporters to fund an embryonic bureacracy and to create the military and naval forces
Srivijaya chiefs were responsible for __? Prosperity of their ppl
What did Srivijaya monarchs and chiefs also do? Made use of imported Indian political ideas and Buddhist religious concepts
The capital city of Palembang was __? Cosmopolitan place
Srivijaya grew into a major center of? Buddhist observane and teaching
Sailendra kingdom of central Java mounted? A massive building program between 8th and 10th centuries featuring Hindu temples and Buddhist monuments
Most famous mountain shaped structure of ten levels and carvings illustrating the spiritual journey from ignorance and illusion to full enlightenment Borobudur
Borobudur was the largest Buddhist monument in the world with distinctive? Javanese creation
What does Borobudur represent? Process of Buddhism becoming culturally grounded in a new place
Swahili On other side of the Indian Ocean (East African civ)
What stimulated growth of the Swahili cities? The extensive commercial life of the western Indian ocean following the rise of Islam
What developed because of the growing demand for East African products? African merchant class developed villages turned into sizable towns, clan chiefs became kings
In what way was Swahili cities alike to Greek city states? Politically independent
No __ or __ unified the world of Swahili civ? Imperial system or larger territorial states
Swahili cities were? Commercial centers that accumulated goods from the interior and exchanged them for the products of distant civs
How did Swahili civ rapidly become Islamic? Introduced by Arab traders
___ linked Swahili cities to larger Indian Ocean world? Islam
Islam sharply divided the Swahili cities from? Their African neighbors
Great Zimbabwe Growing trade in gold to the coast and wealth embodied in its larger herds of cattle
Llama and potatoes Domesticated in Andes
Commerce Played an important role in making "American Web"
What major North American chiefdom is near present day St. Louis? Cahokia
Cahokia lay where? At center of a widespread trading network
Caribbean ppl used __ which had long conducted an inter island trade? Oceangoing canoes
Most active and dense networks of communication and exchange in the Americas Mesoamerica and Andes
Aztec professional merchants Pochteca
Andean Inca empire during the 15th century Stable run operation
Quipus Knotted cords used to record numerical data
World economy of the modern era increasingly had a single center Industrialized Western European countries
Created by: RockHope
Popular World History sets




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