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Ch. 9 Vocab. JA

Chapter 9 Muslim Civilization

Bedouins Small groups of nomadic people in Arabia.
Muhammad Prophet of Islam whom Muslims recognize as Allah's messenger to all humankind. His teachings form the basis of Islam.
Hegira Mohammad's journey from Mecca to Medina.
Islam A monotheistic religion whose prophet is Muhammad and whose hole book is the Qur'an; the term means "achieving peace through surrender to God'
Muslims Followers of Islam.
Qur'an The sacred text of Islam.
Five Pillars of Islam Behaviors and obligations that are common to all Muslims, which include the profession of faith, the performance of five daily prayers, the giving of alms, the requirement to fast, and the journey to Mecca, or Hajj.
Mosque A building for Muslim prayer.
Jihad "Struggle for faith", can be thought of as an individual or communal sruggle; as the latter, the term embraces notions of defending the Muslim community and holy war.
Abu Bakr First Muslim caliph; as a close campanion and successor to Muhammad, he unified the restive Bedouin tribes of central Arabia into a strong fighting force that he led into Iraq and Syria.
Caliph "successor to the Prophet", title given to the political and religious leader of Muslims.
Caliphate Area ruled by a caliph.
Umayyad First ruling dynasty over the Muslim Caliphate.
Sunnis "people who followed the Sunna(way of the Prophet)";the largest branch of Islam; believers accepted the first four caliphs as rightful successors of Muhammad.
Shia A branch of Islam whose adherents believe that the caliphate must go to a descendent of Muhammad- particularly a member of the family of Ali.
Sufis A branch of Islam emphasizing a personal, mystical connection with God.
Abbasid Dynasty that overthrew the Umayyad dynasty to rule the Muslim caliphate from 750 to 1258, for 150 years the Abbasids maintained the unity of the caliphate and Islamic culture and civilization flourished.
Harun al-Rashid Fifth Abbasid caliph (ruled 786 to 809); under his rule, the Abbasid dynasty reached its height and Islamic culture experienced a flowering.
Astrolabe An instrument for determiningthe positions and movements of heavenly bodies.
Ibn Rushd Spanish-Arab philosopher; also known as Averroes; influenced by Aristotle, his best known writings explore the relationship between reason and faith.
Ibn Sina Persian philosopher and physician; also known as Avicenna; noted as a medical scholar, he contributed to many other fields of study.
Ibn Khaldun Muslim writer; he wrote the Muqaddimah, which traced the history of the Muslim world.
Calligraphy The art of fine handwriting.
Minarets Towers attached to the outside of a mosque, from where a crier calls Muslims to worship.
Rumi Persian poet;he was a Sufi mystic and founded a Sufi order whose members use music and dancing in their rituals. His poems are still read by many today.
Omar Khayyam Persian poet; mathematician, astronomer, and philosopher; author of The Rubaiyat, a collection of poems about a man who celebrates the simple pleasures in life.
Created by: josueavila1
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