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APWH Chapter 5

What three major schools of thought emerged from the Wrring States period? Legalism, Daoism, Confucianism
What was Legalism associated with? Han Feizi
What were two aspects of Legalism? Strictly enforced rules or laws, based on rewards and punishments
What major school of thought seen farmers and soldiers as neccessary and merchants, artists, and scholars as useless? Legalism
Who was Confucianism associated with? Confucius (written in The Antalects)
What were two aspects of Confucianism? Not laws and punishments, but the moral example of superiors was the key, If superior person is sincere and benevolent, inferior will be obedient and vice versa
What major philosophical movement had five basic relationships (ruler/subject, husband/wife, father/son, older brother/younger brother, teacher/student? Confuciansim
What did Confucianism think of education and the arts? Loved them
What was Daoism associated with? Laozi, author of Daodejing, "The Way and Its Power"
What was Daoism based on? individualistic (remove self from world), Don't need gov or education, work to be one of nature and improve self from the inside
Ehy is Confucianism a philosophy rather than a "supernatural religion"? Deals w/ here and now, not supernatural Focuses on "ren"- goodness of heart, god did not help you build ren, you bulit it yourself
Confucius did not deny spirituality, but said you shoul live your life how? as if spirits do exist and there is a universal moral character standard
What are three ways Hinduism differed from other world religions? No founder, based on caste system, Hinduism is made up word of from outsiders
How are moshka, karma, and reincarnation connected? Moshka- many lifetimes Reincarnation- many bodies, one soul Karma- good life, higher caste and vice versa
What is one way Buddhism and Hinduism are similar? Both believe that life is all pain and suffering
In what ways did Buddhism reflect Hinduism? mediation, karma rebirth, life is an illusion, release from reincarnation
What were some of the differences between Hinduism and Buddhism? Hinduism had small creation stories and several gods, Buddhists did not, In Buddhism Brahmins don't matter, in Buddhism caste don't matter
Who was Buddha? Siddhartha Gautama, rich prince, saw poor sick and dead man, realizes life is all pain and suffering, 8 weeks in meditation, arises as Buddha (enlightened one)
What were the two types of Buddhism? Theravada and Mahayana
Name is 2 important aspects of Theravada Buddhists. Thinks Buddha was a super smart man, but not a god, the only way to see reality is by hours of meditation each day
What is 2 important aspects of Mahayana Buddhists? Has an idea of heaven, hell, tons of gods, Bodhisattvas (God-like) delayed nirvana to help regular people
What is one reason Buddhism declined in India? new form of Hinduism (Reformed Hinduism)
What is two things that a revived Hinduism indicated? Like Mahayana Buddhism, in that doing the right thing and worshiping gods can get one to Brahman, changed b/c lost followers to Buddhism
What religious path was also becoming increasingly prominent in Hinduism? Bhakti(worship) of gods and goddesses - popular gods: Vishnu(protector), Shiva(destroyer)
What religion was Ahura Mazda a part of? Zoroastrianism
Explain the relationship between Ahura Mazda and Angra Mainyu. Ahura Mazda - good god Angra Mainyu - mean god They fight, Mazda wins with the help of the final Savior (Zorastra)who makes world safe.
If you sided with Mazda what happened? eternal paradise (like heaven in Christianity)
If you sided with Mainyu what happened? eternal punishment (like hell in Christianity)
What aspects of Zoroastrianism and Judaism subsequently found a place in Christianity and Islam? Good god, evil god last judgment Resurrected bodies Good vs. Bad war with Good winning
What Zoroastrian aspects influenced Christianity and Islam? Heaven, hell, savior
What Jewish aspects influenced Christianity and Islam? One God, Transcendent(He is everywhere all of the time, sees everything), wants people to be good more than sacrifices to him
What are two facts about Zoroastrianism? First monotheistic religion, Founded by prophet Zarathustra
What were two distinctive aspects about the Jewish religious tradition? Single god, Yahweh Covenant (contract) w/ Yahweh, keep the contract= become His chosen people
How did Judaism start? Hebrew ppl, Recorded in the Old Testament (first 5 books), founded by Abraham
Who are some important Greek Philosophers? Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Thales, Pythagoras, Hippocrates
Who was the first great philosopher in Athens? Socrates
What did the earliest classical Greek thinkers have in common? Need to explain world naturally without using religion, dead now
After the 12th century C.E., how was the Greek legacy viewed? Thought as start of "Western" civilization, copied and spread by Romans, Philosophy influenced Christian mortality (idea of love your neighbor)
What are two differences between Buddha and Jesus? Buddha- born rich, not about supernatural Jesus- carpenter from poor family, performed miracles
What are two similarities between Jesus and Buddha? Mystics- some kind of idea what truth is Taught renunciation of wealth (money makes you less complete)
How did Christianity become the Roman religion? Romans killed Christians, (one being Jesus), Constantine say red cross in the sky and became a Christian, Theodosius made Christianity the Roman religion
What happened after Muslims take over Constantinople? they find all the Greek stuff from the Byzantine Empire
Catholic Church originally saw Greeks as what? barbarians (idol worshipers)
What was the earliest religious texts of India that were transmitted orally before written down is called? Vedas
Who were Brahmins? the priestly caste of India (top of caste)
Define Upanishads. Indian mystical and philosophical works, written between 800 to 400 B.C.E.
What is the term for the "World Soul" or final reality in upanishadic Hindu belief? Brahman
What does the term Atman mean? The human soul, in Hindu belief seeks union with Brahman
The honoring of one's ancestors and parents, a key element of Confucianism, is known as? Filial piety
The term for the end goal of Buddhism (state of serenity and great compassion) is? Nirvana
Who was Zarathustra? a Persian prophet, founded Zoroastrianism
Who was Thales? A Greek natural philosopher noted for his application of reason to astronomy
Who was Pythagoras? Greek philosopher, mathematical
Who was Hippocrates? Greek medical theorist, regarded as father of medicine
Who was a disciple of Socrates who recorded behind Socrates back, know for his Dialogues? Plato
Who was Aristotle? a Greek math philosopher, student of Plato, teacher of Alexander the Great
Who was the first great populizer of Christianity, converted from Judaism along the road of Damascus? Saint Paul
Created by: 1213brookisaacs
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