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APWH Chapter 6

What three revoltions challenged and destroyed ancient monarchies and class hierachies? French, Russian, Chinese
What movement attecked slavery? The abolitionist movement of the 19th century
What movement confronted long held patriarchal assumptions about the proper relationship between men and women? The women's movement
Who sought to raise the status of the "untouchables" and what did he refer to them as? Mahatama Gandhi, referred to them as "children of God"
Caste, class, patriarchy, and slavery all remained prominent in which civiliaztions? "Second Wave" civilzations in Eurasia
How did the people inhabiting the classical civiliazations of Eurasia live? Lived within a political framework of states and or empires
Classical civiliazatons of Eurasia lived in defined societies that did what? Defined realtionships between rich and poor, powerful and powerless, slaves and free people, and men and women
Like the First Civilizations, those of the classical era were sharply divided between in what way? They were too patriarchal, women clearly subordinated to men in most domains of life
The Chinese society was unique in the ancient world in what way? The extent in which it was shaped by the actions of the state
What was more apparent about the Chinese civilizaton then any other civilization? The political power and immense social prestige of Chinese state officials
As the Han dynasty established its authority in China its rulers were required to do what? They were required each province to send men of promise to the capital, there examined for official positions on their performance.
Who established an imperial academy where potential officials were trained? Emperor Wu Di
What did the imperial academy or examination system consist of? Officials were trained as scholars and immersed in Chinese classical texts with an emphasis on Confucian teachings.
In later dynasties did the examination system stay the same as in the Han? Grew to be more elaborate and became a distinguished feature of the Chinese
Most officials came from what type of families? Wealthy families
What did wealth in China mean? Land
When the Qin dynasty unified China, most land was held by whom? Small-scale peasant farmers
What caused the small-scale peasant farmers to have to sell their land? The pressures of population growth, taxation, ad indebtedness
Who did the peasant farmers sell their land to? The wealthier people
The Landlord Class refers to whom? The wealthy class
State authorities opposed large land estates for what reasons? Landlords of large estates were able to avoid taxes, which decreased state revenues and increased taxes for peasants
Who is well known for trying to counteract the power of large landowners? Wang Mang, a high court official of the Han Dynasty.
What did Wing Mang to counteract the growing power of large estate landowners? ordered the great private estates to be nationalized and divided among landless
Wing Mang launched some reforms that consisted of what? Gov loans to peasant families, limits on land a family may own, and an end to private slavery
What led to the collapse of Wing Mang's reforms? Opposition from wealthy landowners, nomadic invasions, poor harvests, floods, and famines
What remained a central feature of the Chinese society? Large landowning families
How did the scholar-gentry class live? Lived luxuriously in multistoried houses, wore the finest silk clothing, had gleaming carriages, private orchestras, and high-stakes gambling.
The vast majority of China's civilizations throughout history, has always consisted of? The peasants
What class lived in small households representing two or three generations? peasants
What was the Yellow Turban Rebellion? A massive peasant uprising remembered by the yellow scarves the peasants wore on their heads
The movement which increased to about 360,000 armed followers did what? Found leaders, organization, and a unifying ideology in a form of Daoism
What did the Yellow Turban Rebellion feature? Supernatural healings, collective trances, and public confessions of sin
Th Yellow Turban Rebellion looked forward to what? "Great Peace" - a golden age of complete equality, social harmony, and common ownership of property.
What did the Yellow Turban Rebellion lead to? devastated the economy, weakened the state, and contributed to the overthrow of the dynasty
How did the scholar gentry view the peasants? peasants were the solid productive backbone of the country and they were worthy of praise
How did China view the merchants? merchants were widely viewed as unproductive, making a shameful profit by selling the works of others
Merchants were stereotyped as? greedy, luxury-loving, and materialistic
Why where merchants seen as a social threat Their ill-gained wealth impoverished others, deprived state revenues, and fostered resentments
Early in the Han dynasty merchants were not permitted to do what? wear silk clothing, ride horses, carry arms, sit for civil service examinations, or hold public office
Early in the Han dynasty merchants were not permitted to do what? wear silk clothing, ride horses, carry arms, sit for civil service examinations, or hold public office
How was the Indian society divided? Divided into four ranked classes known as Varna - Brahmins, Kshatriya, Vaisya, and Sudras
How was the Indian society divided? Divided into four ranked classes known as Varna - Brahmins, Kshatriya, Vaisya, and Sudras
How did the Vaisya class change? originally commoners who cultivated the land, evolved into business class with prominent place for merchants
Later, a class lower than the Sudras emerged know as...? The untouchables
Urban based civilization gave rise to specialized occupations which organized into groups know as? Jatis
Each jati was associated with what? a particular set of duties, roles, and obligations
Jatis support for the idea of inequality lay in what? The Hindu notions of karma, dharma, and rebirth.
Who has the authority to expel members who violated its rules? each jati
After the restrictions tightened more, a jati might be redefined in a higher category by... acquiring land or wealth, adopting the behaviors of higher caste groups, or by finding some previous overlooked ancestor of a higher caste
What provided social security and support for the widows, orphans, and destitute? the caste system
What is a theory as to why slavery emerged in the First civilizations? domestication of animals provided a model for human slavery
Who had some form of slavery? almost all civilizations
In the Aztec Empire children of slaves were considered? free
Slave emancipation was common in what civilizations? Classical Greece and Rome
In what civilization did the poor peasants sell their children into slavery? China
Who were slaves in India? criminals, debtors, and war captives
Slavery played an immense role in which civilization? Mediterranean/Western Civilization
What percent of Athens was enslaved? 1/3
Who said that some people are "slaves by nature"? Aristotle
Wealthy Romans owned approx. how many slaves? hundreds or thousands
What is one reason people became slaves? abandoned/exposed children
Slavery in the Roman society did lots of work except for? military service
Who had no legal rights? slaves
If a slave murdered their master what happened? All the victim's slaves were killed
To avoid slavery what did war prisoners do? committed suicide(there were mass cases of suicide)
Name one of the rebellions led by slaves most famous was led by Spartacus in73 B.C.E.
What is patriarchy? men were seen as superior to women
In the Han dynasty, elite ideas became more patriarchal and linked to? Confucianism
Woman is subordinated to father, then husband, then son is known as? the "three obediences"
The term yung means? masculine, superior
The term yin means? feminine, inferior
Who was Ban Zhao? a woman writer who explained that female inferiority reinforced by birth rituals
What is one case in which women had rights? honor given to the mothers of sons
What are two changes following the collapse of the Han dynasty? major signs of weakening patriarchy: Reign of Empress Wu and growing popularity of Daoism provided new women's roles
What was one way Athens seen women? restricted to the home
What was Athenian women's role in life? domestic management and bearing sons
Spartan women were encouraged to do what? to strengthen their bodies for childbearing
What was one difference in how Sparta viewed women and Athens viewed them? greater freedom in Sparta
Sparta, unlike Athens, discouraged? homosexuality
Basic changelessness and futility of human life is known as? Ecclesiastes
Basic impermanence of human life is known as? Buddhism
What two things changed in the classical Eurasia civilizations? emergence of Buddhism and Christianity as universal religions, Greek conquest of the Persian Empire
What were three creations of the classical era? China's scholar-gentry class, India's caste system, slavery largely unquestioned until nineteenth century
Created by: 1213brookisaacs
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