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Disulfiram Like Reaction -Side effect from Griseofulvin -interrupt alcohol metabolism, blocking oxidation of alcohol -accumultion of acetaldehyde in blood produce unpleasant symptom
Arthropod -highly organized invertebrate animal -paired, jointed appendages, a chitinized exoskeleton, hemocele -2 medical related species : Insecta (3 pairs of walking legs) & Arachnida (4 pairs of walking leg)
Arthropod Insecta flies, fleas, lice, bees, wasps
Arthropod Arachnids spiders, ticks, mites
How did arthropoda affect human body? 1) Ectoparasites: live on human or attach to follicle 2) Intermediate or definitive host of aniaml parasites Venom-producing agent (produce toxin or induce allergic reaction) Vector of infectious disease
Infestation The state of being invade or overun by parasites =Parasitic disease e.g. itc mites, larval mite, flea, tick, bedbug, etc
actin and myosin microfilment
structural microfilaments, composed of F actin actin
G actin polymerized into a double helix F actin
Monomeric actin subunits G actin
actin crosslinking protein that forms networks in erythrocytes spectrin
actin crosslinking protein that network in straiated muscle Dystrophin
Duchenne Musclular dystrophy sex linked mutation of dystrophin gene
a structural microfilmaent as well as motor protein for actin Myosin
Actin and myosin assoicated with each other actomysin
bundles of actomyosin anchored to the basal surface of fibroblast, which are themselves attached to the substrtum. There fibers produce tension across cell layer Stress Fibrer
Polymers of alpha and beta tubulin Microtubiules
Microtubular crosslinking proteins that form network Tau and MAP
A major intermediate filament of epithelial cells Keratin (hair and nails consist of dead epithelial cell)
Intermediate filament supporting the nuclear membrane Nuclear lamins
Extracellular matrix fibers that resis stretching, composed of 3 helices coiled around each other in a triple helix Collagen
Stretchable extracellular matrix fibers that provide tissues with pliability Elastin
Glycoprotein microfibrils that provide a scaffold for assembly of elastic fiber Fibrillin
Polysaccharides of the extracellular matrix composed of disaccharide repeats of modified sugar Glycosaminoglycan
A particularly large GAG that exist free in the excellular matrix Hyaluronan
Exracellular matrix component composed of core protein attached to one or more glycosaminoglycan Proteoglycan
A regulatory proteoglycan control inflammation Heparin
Extracellular matrix crosslinking protein forming networks in the basal lamina Laminin
Extracellular matrix crosslinking protein with multiple binding domains for different factors (Heparin, collagen, integrin) Fibronectin
Thin bands of membrane around the apical perimeters of epithelial cell held closely together by proteins such as occludin and claudin. They seal cell to prevent diffusion of molecules across the epithelium Zonula Occluden
Transmembrane complexes that allow diffusion of small molecules between cells to vesicle Gap junction
Rows of structures anchoring ctin microfilaments to the apical surface of epitalial cells, just beneath of tight junction Zonula Adheren
Microfilmaent bundles (actin and myosin0 that encircle the apical perimeter of epithelial cells at the level of the belt desmosome Circumferential belt
Isolated "spot welds" joining ht eintermediate filament cytoskeleton of two cells at their lateral surfaces Spot desmosomes
Structures that anchor the intermediate filament cytoskeleton of an epithelial cell to the basal lamina Hemidesomosomes
Structures that anchor microfilament stress fibers to the basal surface of many cells, particular epithelial Focal adhesion
Membrane associated proteins that anchor the microfilament cytoskeleton to the plasma membrane by binding actin crosslinking protein Membrane-microfilmane tbinding proteins Band 3 anion transporter (ankyrin + spectrin) Dystrophin and glycoprotein complex
example of structural application of actin Microvilli
Disease associate wiht overproduction of collagen Fibrosis
Lack of hydroxyproline reside due to vitamine C deficiency Scurvy ascorbic acid is required for hydroxylation
Ehler-danlos syndrome rubber man syndrom under production or incomplete process of different collagen
Ostegenesis imperfect brittle bone syndrome mutation of type I collagen (sub gly residue with more bulky aa) interfere triple helix assemble often mistake as Child abuse
List 2 component in a tensegrity system 1) Continuous component: resist stretching (tendon, ligament) 2) Discontinuous components: resist compression (bone)
Dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa Mutation in Type VII Collagen 9anchoring fibrils)gene cause easy blistering of hte skin
where do we find transition cell usually Urinary bladder cell normal: cuboidal cell Streched or filled bladder: Squamous cell
Cirrhosis cause from damage of liver hepatocytes due to inflammotry Type III reticular fiber is replaced by Type I collagen Blood flow is blocked and result in portal hypertension
Which stain can be used to visualize Type III Reticular fiber? Silver salts stain invisible under light microscopy
Tendonosis/tendonopathy wear & tear, injury or infection can casue disorganization of collagen bundles in a tendon and ligament take long time to heal due to Acascular
what medication should be used to treat anaphylaxis epinephrine hypersensitivy due to mass degranulation of mast cell
What substance does mast cell release? Histamine and heparin
What substance does fat release affect appeptite Leptin decrease leptin will increase appetite
difference between adult and children obseity Adult: Adipocyte Hypertrophy (increase in fat cell size) children: Adipocyte hyperplasia (increase in number of adipocytes)
where do we find apocrine sweat gland? Axillary, areolar, anal region
Pilosebaceous unit Arrector pili muscle = hair follicle + sebaceous gland
Created by: powerbaby
Popular Medical sets




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