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wound healing


wound healing begins with this cell or tissue loss
describe two categories that tissue loss can be a result of it can be natural (regeneration/renewal), or due to an injury (repair)
describe two responses to tissue loss cell proliferation and migration, scaffolding (deposition and reorganization/remodeling of the ECM components)
describe natural loss of cells/tissue sloughed epithelia (skin, mucosa). there must be a balance of proliferation and apoptosis, senescence, or mechanical loss
describe a pathologic process injury/inflammation/destruction. loss of prenchymal cells, loss of stromal cells and tissue (CT, blood vessels, nerves) that support function (fibroblasts)
during cell/tissue renewal or repair from minor injury, this type of cell proliferates parenchymal cell
during cell/tissue renewal or repair from more extensive injury, this type of cell proliferates stromal cell
during healing after an injury, this process disrupts the basic architecture of the entire region of the cell fibrosis
name the cellular components of repair inflammatory ells, parenchymal cells (restore function), fibroblasts and other stromal cells (repair tissue), endothelial cells
this type of tissue has continuously dividing cells, and have a constant cell loss. ex: surface epithelium; blood cell progenitors labile
this type of tissue has quiescent cells. they are primarily in Go phase and have limited ability ot proliferate, and can be stimulated to enter the G1 cell cycle. found in parenchyma and stroma of most solid organs ex: fibroblasts, endothelial cells stabile
this type of tissue hasmostly post mitotic cells. they don't engage in mitosis normally and there is not a lot you can do to stimulate mitosis. ex: cardiac myocytes, neurons permanent
name the sequence of wound healing hemostasis, inflammation, provisional matrix, granulation tissue, fibroblast proliferation and collagen deposition/remodeling, re-epithelialization, wound contraction, increase in wound tensile strength
in a provisional matrix, there is a temporary ECM and this type of collagen is present type III
during increased wound tensile strenngth, this type of collagen is present during mature scar formation type I
describe the three phases of wound healing inflammation (clot formation and chemotaxis), proliferation (re-epithelialization, angiogenesis, and granulation tissue, provisional matrix), maturation (collagen matrix, wound contraction
name three conditions affecting repair location, amount and nature of ECM at site of injury, blood supply
name several additional factors affecting tissue repair nutritional status, metabolic status, circulation, hormones, infection, mechanical forces, foreign bodies, size, location, type of wound
when differentiating between primary and secondary intention, this is an important factor in healing presence of stem cells, depth of skin, adequate capacity of wound contraction
during repair of liver tissue, these two factors result because of impaired blood flow portal hypertension and cholestatic jaundice: because of disruption of blood flow an dmovement of bile through the hepatic lobules
what happens in cardiac healing loss of cardiac myocytes results in fibrosis bc cells are post mitotic and do not proliferate, patchy loss of cells, (ischemic heart disease/cardiomyopathy), diffuse loss of cells: MI, coagulative necrosis, granualtion tissue and immature scar.
what happens during differential healing of hte nervous system? neurons are also post mitotic and lack reliable capacity ot proliferate, there is axonal regeneration following trauma: axons in PNS can regenerate and remake synapses, axons in CNS cannot, scarrin ghappens via glial cell proliferation
list three problems with excessive wound healing excessive scar formation (hypertrophic scar), keloid, wound contracture
excessive scare formation hypertrophic scar
exuberant, disorganized collagen deposition within dermis that extends beyond anatomic confines of normal structure keloid
deformity of wounded tissue and surrounding structures. in somatic body, it happens on palms, soles where skin is relatively close to tendons and they become caught in contracting wound. in visceral body, it can happen in the bowl and cause bowel obstruct wound contraction
exuberant overgrowth of granulation tissue: happens in gingiva of pregnant women pygenic granuloma
granulation tisse extends above the epithelial surface and precludes re-epithelialization proud flesh (vet medicine)
excessive, presistent fibrosis following injury or surgical incisions within soft tissues desmoids (aggressive fibromatosis)
Created by: aferdo01
Popular Medical sets




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