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Bonewit #8

The Gynecologic Examination & Prenatal Care - Nora Godsey

abortion termination of the pregnancy before the fetus reaches the age of viability 20 wks
adenexal adjacent
amenorrhea absence or cessation of the menstrual period. amen. occurs normally before puberty, during pregnancy, & after menopause
atypical deviation from the normal
braxton hicks contractions intermittent & irregular painless uterine contractions that occur throughout pregnancy. they occur more frequently toward the end of pregnancy & are sometimes mistaken for true labor pains
cerix lower narrow end of the uterus that opens into the vagina
colposcopy exam of the cervix using a colposcope
cytology science that deals with the study of cells, including their origin, structure, function, & pathology
dilation stretching of the external os from an opening a few milli. wide to an opening large enough to allow the passage of an infant
dysmenorrhea pain associated with the menstrual period
dyspareunia pain in the vagina or pelvis experienced by a woman during sexual intercourse
dysplasia growth of abnormal cells. dysplasia is a precancerous condition that may or may not develop into cancer
ectocervix part of the cervix that projects into the vagina & is lined with stratified squamous epithelium
effacement thinning & shortening of the cervical canal from its normal length of 1 to 2 cm to a structure with paper-thin edges in which there is no canal at all. effacement occurs late in pregnancy, during labor, or both
embryo child in utero from the time of conception to the beginning of the first trimester
endocervix mucous membrane lining the cervical canal
engagement entrance of the feta head or the presenting part into the pelvic inlet
EDD projected birth of the infant
external os opening of the cervical canal of the uterus into the vagina
fetal heart rate number of times per min the fetal heart beats
fetal heart tones sounds of the heartbeat of the fetus heard through the mothers abdominal wall
fetus child in utero from the third month after conception to birth; during the first 2 months of development, it is called an embryo
fundus dome shaped upper portion of the uterus between the fallopian tubes
gestation period of the intrauterine development from conception to birth; the period of pregnancy. average pregnancy last about 280 days, or 40 weeks, from the date of conceptions to childbirth
gestational age age of the fetus between conception & birth
gravidity total number of pregnancies a woman has had regardless of duration, including a current pregnancy
gynecology branch of medicine that deals with the disease of reproductive organs of women
infant child from birth to 12 months
internal os internal opening of the cervical canal into the uterus
lochia discharge from the uterus after delivery that consists of blood, tissue, white blood cells, & some bacteria
menopause the permanent cessation of of menstruation, which usually occurs between the ages of 45 & 55
menorrhagia excessive bleeding during a menstrual period, in the number of days or the amt of blood or both.
metrorrhagia bleeding between menstrual periods
multigravida woman who has been pregnant more than once
multipara woman who has completed two or more pregnancies to the age of fetal viability regardless of whether they ended in live infants or stillbirths
nullipara woman who has not carried a preg. to the point of fetal viability, 20 wks
obsterics branch of medicine concerned with the care of woman during preg., childbirth, & the postpartal period
parity condition of having borne offspring regardless of the outcome
perimenopause before the onset of menopause, the phase during which the woman with regular periods changes to irregular cycles & increased periods of amenorrhea
perineum external region between the vaginal orifice & the anus in a female & between the scrotum & the anus in a male
position relation of the presenting part of the fetus to the maternal pelvis
postpartum occurring after childbirth
preeclampsia major complication of preg., the cause of which is unknown, characterized by increasing hypertension, albuminuria, & edema
prenatal before birth
presentation indication of the part of the fetus that is closest to the cervix & is delivered first
preterm birth delivery occurring between 20 & 37 wks of gestation regardless of whether the child was born alive or stillborn
primigravida woman who is preg., for the first time
primipara a woman who has carried a preg. to fetal viability for the first time regardless of whether the infant was stillborn or alive at birth
puerperium period of time, usually 4 to 6 wks after delivery, in which the uterus & the body systems are returning to normal
quickening first movements of the fetus in utero as felt by the mother, which usually occurs between 16 & 20 wks of gestation & are felt consistently therafter
risk factor anything that increases an individuals chances of developing a disease.
term birth delivery occurring after 37 wks of gestation regardless of whether the infant was born alive orstillborn
toxemia a condition that can occur in pregnant women that includes preeclampsia & eclampsia
trimester three months, or one third, of the gestational period of preg.
vulva region of the external female genital organs
Created by: noragodsey
Popular Medical sets




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