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Respiratory Review


Function of respiratory system Pick up oxygen Drop off Co2
Divided passageways lined with cilia and membrane Nose
Extended out from the nose- become infected commonly Nasal Cavities
Hollow areas in skull bones Frontal, Sphenoid, Ethmoid, Maxillary
Responsible for sense of smell Olifactory epithelium cells
What connects the pharynx to the middle ear Eustachian tube
Medical Terminology for wind pipe Trachea
Organ of speech-voice box Larynx
Sound is produced by air over vocal cord
Structure which covers Glottis (opening of windpipe) Epiglottis
Esophagus Food and liquid enters
Initial two branches of trachea Bronchi
What enter and leaves at the hilus of the lung Primary bronchi and Pulmonary blood vessels
Parts of the lung Bronchi, bronchial tree, bronchioles,terminal bronchioles, avioli
Parts of the Upper Respiratory Tract Nose, Pharynx, Larynx, Nasal Cavities
Trace from nose to alveoli Nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, primary bronchi, bronchial tubes, bronchioles, terminal bronchoiles, alveoli
Describe pulmonary and systemic exchange Blood drop off Co2 and pick up oxygen
The space between two lungs Mediastinum
Inner lining of lung Visceral pleura
Sac enclosing lung Parietal pleura
Why do Upper Respiratory infection spread so quickly Moist, warm, and dark
Describe automatic respiration Co2 goes up, oxygen goes down stimulates medulla to stimulate the phrenic nerve then causes the diaphram to contract causing respiration
`Tidal volume 500 ml -Volume moved into or out of the respiratory tract during a normal respiratory cycle
Residual volume 1200 ml- volume remaining in the respiratory tract after maxium expiration
Vital capacity 4800 ml- Maximum amount of air exhaled after a maxium inspiration (sum of two or more respiratory volumes)`
Total Lung Capacity 6000 ml -Amount of air in the lungs after maximum inspiration
Conditions which could cause alveoli to become thin, dilated, useless: COPD including asthma. Barrel chest- chest swells in the form of a barrel. Chronic cyanosis are the symptoms of clubbing
Condition of swelling of the trachea, wheezing and dyspena, especially with exhalation Asthma
Condition of lung and alveoli- infectious, viral or bacterial withe presence of exudate Pneumonia
Extremely communicable, caused by tubercule bacillus Tuberculosis-airborne
Irregularly fast, slow, shallow deep respiration with 20 sec period of apena; precedes death Cheyne- Stroke Respiration
URI, sometimes causing GI upset, always viral Influenza
Deviated septum Not straight Rdown the middle
Rhinoplasty Surgery of the nose
Pertussis Whopping cough
Pneumothorax Air in the thoracic cavity caused by trauma
Atelectasis Collasped lung
Empyema Pus in the pleura cavity
Thickening and inflammation of pleural fluid and pleural sac Pleurisy
Rales Rattling in the lungs caused by fluid
coryza Medical term for common cold
Hyperpnea Deep and fast breathing
Pharyngitis Inflammation of the throat
Strept throat Infection caused by streptococcus
Croup Occurs in infants and children after upper and lower respiratory tract infection- barking cough
Diptheria Caused by bacterium Corynebacterium diptheriae-contagious -toxin damaging to tissues of the heart and central nervous system
Created by: bossy777
Popular Medical sets




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