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Reverse Definitions

Female Reproductive

amenorrhea Absence of menses
Bartholin glands Lubricate the vaginal orifice
Cervicitis Inflammation of the cervix
cervix Neck of the uterus; also called cervix uteri
clitoris Located anterior to the vaginal orifice; composed of erectile tissue
colporrhaphy Suture of the vagina
condyloma Genital wart
cystitis Inflammation of the bladder
dysmenorrhea Menstrual pain
embryo The product of conception up to the third month
fallopian tubes Extend laterally from superior angles of the uterus; where fertilization or conception takes place
fetus The unborn offspring from the third month to the time of birth
fimbriae Fingerlike projections that create wavelike currents to move the ovum into the uterine tube
galactorrhea Flow of milk
graafian follicles Tiny, saclike structures that contain an ovum
gynecologist One who specializes in the study of the female
hydrocephalus Increased accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid within the ventricles of the brain
hymen A fold partially or completely covering the vaginal opening
hymenectomy Excision of the hymen
intrauterine Within the uterus
kernicterus Serious condition involving mental retardation, jaundice and brain damage
labial P2 the lip
leukorrhea White vaginal discharge
mammary Relating to the breast
menopause The end of menstruation for the remainder of a woman's life
menorrhagia Bursting forth of menses
metrorrhagia Irregular bleeding between menstrual periods
natal P2 birth
nullipara Woman who has never produced a viable offspring
obstetrician A physician who specializes in dealing with pregnancy, labour and puerperium
oophoritis Inflammation of the ovary
osteoporosis Porous bones
ova Female reproductive cells
ovaries Almond-shaped glands located in the pelvic cavity which produce the ovum and various hormones
ovulation The ripening and rupture of the mature graafian follicle and the discharge of ovum
pruritus vilvae Severe itching of the external female genitalia
pseudocyesis False pregnancy
spontaneous abortion A natural, spontaneous termination of pregnancy before the fetus is able to survive outside the uterus
therapeutic abortion Abortion induced legally for medical or other reasons
uterus Organ that contains and nourishes the embryo from the time of fertilization until birth
vagina Muscular tube extending from the cervixx to the exterior of the body
vaginitis Inflammation of the vagina
vulvectomy Excision of the vulva
Adnexa Accesory parts of a structure
Menarche Beginning of menstrual function
Puberty Age of sexual menstruation
Fibroids Begnign uterine tumor
viable capable of sustaining life
dystocia Difficult labour
conization excision of a cone-shaped piece of tissue
lumpectomy Excision of a small primary breast bone
episiotomy incision of the perineum
dyspareunia Occurence of pain during sexual intercourse
Vaginismus painful spasm of the vagina
gestation pregnant women
cerclage suturing of the cervix
Abruption placentae Premature separation of the placentae
papanicolaou smear/test study used to detect abnormal cells from the cervix and vagina
placenta previa The placenta is attached near the cervix and ruptures prematurely
Created by: stacison
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