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Testmasters 1-50

sat vocabulary testamsters 1-50

Abrasive harsh and rough in manner
accusatory containing a charge of wrongdoing against a person or other party
acerbic sour or bitter
acolyte a devoted follower or attendant
adept very skilled
adroit dexterous or deft; skillful under pressing conditions
adulatory to praise or admire excessively; fawn on
aeon an indefinitely long period of time; an age
aesthetically tastefully
affectation assumed rather than natural behavior; artificiality
agent the means by which an effect or result is produced
agitated to upset, disturb
altruism unselfish concern for the welfare of others; selflessness
amalgam a combination of diverse elements; a mixture
ambivalent having coexisting or opposing attitudes
ameliorate to improve
anecdote a short account especially of an interesting or humorous incident
animus disposition; feeling of ill will
anomalous deviating from the normal or common order, form, or rule
antediluvian really old, prehistoric
antidisestablishmentarianism opposition to the withdrawl of state support from an established organization or church
antithetical being in diametrical opposition
apathy lack of interest or concern, impassiveness
apoplectic enraged
appalled dismayed
appetite a strong urge or instinctive physical desire
archaic of, relating to, or characteristic of a much earlier, often more primitive period
articulate characterized by the use of clear, expressive language
assuage to satisfy or appease; relieve
atavism the reoccurrence of previous behavior after a period of absence
attentiveness giving care or attention; watchful
auspicious attended by favorable circumstances
authoritarian characterized by or favoring obedience to authority
avant-garde a group active in the invention and application of new techniques in a given field, especially in the arts
bane a cause of fatal injury or ruin
beguiled to be deceived by skillful deceit
belligerent inclined or eager to fight; hostile or aggressive
bemoaning to lament, expressing grief or disappointment about something
beneficial producing or promoting a favorable result; advantageous
bipartisan supported by two political parties
blithe carefree and lighthearted
bog a wetland
bolster to support
bombastic pompous speech or writing
boon a benefit bestowed
bowdlerize to remove offensive portions from a book
breezy lively and cheerful and relaxed
brevity terseness, brief in duration
brusque abrupt or curt in manner
buffeting a blow or cuff with or as if with the hand
Created by: is2903
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