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Part C -D

Kaplan vocab

certitude assurance (n)
cessation a temporary or complete halt (n)
chary watchful, cautious, extremely shy (adj)
chimerical fanciful; imaginary; impossible (adj)
circuitous indirect; roundabout (adj)
circumvent to go around; avoid (v)
cloying sickly sweet; excessive (adj)
coagulate to clot/thicken (v)
cogent convincing (adj)
colloquial characteristic of informal speech (adj)
commute to change a penalty to a less severe one (v)
complacent self-satisfied, smug (adj)
concomitant existing concurrently (adj)
concord agreement (n)
condole to grive; to express sympathy (v)
conflagration big destructive fire (n)
confluence the act of two things flowing together; junction or meeting place where two things meet (n)
consanguineous related by blood (adj)
consternation an intense state of fear or dismay (n)
constituent component, part, citizen, voter (n)
contemptuous scornful; expressing contempt
contentious quarrelsome, disagreeable, belligerent (adj)
contiguous sharing a boundary; neighboring (adj)
continence self-control, self-restraint (n)
convalesce to recover gradually from an illness (v)
coquette a flirtatious woman (n)
coterie an intimate group of persons with a similar purpose (n)
countervail to act or react with equal force (v)
covert secretive (adj)
cull to select; weed out (v)
cumulative increasing, collective (adj)
curt abrupt, short with words (adj)
dearth a lack, scarcity, insufficiency (n)
debacle a sudden, disastrous collapse or defeat; a total, ridiculous failure (n)
declaim to speak loudly and vehemently (v)
defamatory injurious to the reputation (adj)
demagogue a leader, rabble-rouser, usually appealing to emotion or prejudice (n)
denizen an inhabitant; a resident (n)
deride to laugh at contemptuously, to make fun of (v)
diffuse to spread out widely; to scatter freely; to disseminate (v)
digress to turn aside, especially from the main point; to stray from the subject (v)
dilapidated in disrepair, run down (adj)
diluvial pertaining to a flood (adj)
discomfit to disconcert, to make one lose one's composure (v)
discrete individually distinct; separate (ad)
disingenuous giving a false appearance of simple frankness; misleading (adj)
disinterested fair-minded, unbiased (adj)
dispassionate unaffected by bias or strong emotions (adj)
dissident disagreeing with an established religious or political system (adj)
doctrinaire rigidly devoted to theories without regard for practicality; dogmatic
dogged stubbornly persevering (adj)
doleful sad; mournful (adj)
dour sullen and gloomy; stern and severe (adj)
Created by: 88do
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