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The Special Senses

The Special Senses

Blepharitis Inflammation of the eyelids margins; redness, swelling, burning, and itching
Blepharoptosis Drooping eyelid that partially or entirely covers the eye as a result of a weakened muscle
Cataract The lens becomes progressively cloudy, losing normal transparency, altering perception of images due to interference of light transmission to the retina
Conjunctivitis Inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the eyelids and covering the front part of the eyeball
Ectropion "Turning out" or eversion of the eyelash margins (especially the lower eyelid) from the eyeball leading to exposure of the eyelid and eyeball surface and lining.
Exophthalmia Abnormal protrusion of the eyeball
Hemianopia Abnormal eyesight in one half of the visual field
Glaucoma Ocular disorder characterized by increase in intraocular pressure
Hordeolum A stye
Hyperopia Farsighted
Myopia Nearsightedness
Nystagmus Vertical, horizontal, rotary or mixed rhythmic involuntary movement of the eye. caused by alcohol or certain drugs, lesions on the brain or inner ear
Presbyopia Refractive error occurs after age forty when the lens of the eye can't focus on an image accurately due to its decreasing loss of elasticity resulting in firmer and more opaque tears
Pterygium Irregular growth developing as a fold in the bulbar conjunctiva on the nasal side of the cornea that can disrupt vision if it extends over the pupil
Esotropia Cross eye or convergent strabismus
Meniere's Disease Chronic inner ear diseas; recurring vertigo, hearing loss, feeling of pressure or fullness in the affected ear along with tinnitus
Acute Otitis Media Purulent collection of fluid in the middle ear causing pain (possibly severe), an elevation in temperature, dizziness decreased hearing, vertigo and tinnitus
Ambiopia Double vision caused by each eye focusing separately
Blepharospasm Twitching of the eyelid muscles
Cycloplegia Paralysis of the ciliary muscle of the eye
Dacryoadenitis Inflammation or the lacrimal (tear) gland
Miotic An agent that causes the pupil of the eye to constrict
Mydriatic An agent that causes the pupil of the eye to dilate
Photophobia Abnormal sensitivity to light (especially by the eyes)
Labyrinthitis Inflammation of the inner ear
Otalgia Pain in the ear; earache
Purulent Containing pus
Myringoplasty Surgical repair of the eardrum
Otorrhea Drainage from the ear; associated with ear inflammation
Tinnitus Ringing or tinkling noise heard in the ears
Myringotomy Surgical incision of the eardrum
Mastoiditis Inflammation of the mastoid process of the temporal bone
Presbycusis Loss of hearing due to the natural aging process
Vertigo Loss of equilibrium or balance, having the sensation that the room is spinning
Orotitis Externa Swimmer's ear; inflammation of the outer or external ear canal
Otosclerosis A condition in which the footplate of the stapes becomes immobile and secured to the oval window resulting in hearing loss
Otoplasty Surgical repair of the ear in which there is removal of ear cartilage in order to bring the pinna and auricle nearer to the head
Tonometry Process used in determining intraocular pressure by calculating the resistance of the eyeball to an applied force causing indentation
Audiometry Process used in measuring how well an individual can hears various frequencies of sound waves
Audiogram a recording of the faintest sounds an individual can hear
Ophthalmoscope The instrument used to examine the eyes
Retinopethy Any disease of the retina
Acoustic Pertaining to sound or hearing
Audiometry The process of measuring how well an individual hares various frequencies of sound waves
Otitis Media Inflammation of the middle ear
Otoscopy The use of an otoscope to view and examine the tympanic membrane and various parts of the outer ear
Ophthalmologist Physician who specializes in the study of diseases of the eye
Sclera White portion which gives shape to the eyeball and also protects the eye
Iris the colored portion of the eye
Pupil is the black circle at the center of the eye. it controls the amount of light entering the eye
Conjunctiva is the colorless, thin mucous membrane layer that covers the eyeball and the inner part of the eyelids
lacrimal Gland produces tears to cleanse and lubricate the conjunctiva.
Cornea the transparent layer beneath the conjunctiva which covers the iris
Audiologist physician who specializes int he study and treatment of diseases and disorders of the ear and hearing
Organ of Corti is the truth organ of hearing
Created by: anna0526
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