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Angela SAT Vocabs

Maritime 바다의
Discursive Desultory Digressive Rambling Tangential 본론을 떠난 Out of topic
Imponderable 이해되지 않는
Impenetrable 뚫을 수 없는
Idiosyncrasy 유별남
Opprobrium 대중의 맹비난
Anomaly 비상함
Indignation 분노
Chagrin 굴욕
Ludicrous 터무니 없는
Germane ~와 밀접한 관련이 있는
Complacent Self-Satisfactory
Somnolent Soporific Sleepy
Inebriated Drunken
Covert Secretive
Overt Open
Ostensible Superficial
Uncanny Seeing to have a supernatural character or origin
Subservient 종속적인
Morbid Related to disease
Dissonance 불협화음
Berate, Chastise To punish
Deride To mock, jeer
Trite, Cliche, Banal, Hackneyed Drearily commonplace and often predictable
Forage 먹이를 찾다
Obsolete Outdated Outmoded Antiquated Antediluvian Archaic Old
Arcane Esoteric Profound Abstruse Recondite Hard to understand Enigmatic
Perambulate Peregrinate Traverse To travel, to walk
Aspersion A false or damaging accusation or insinuation
Incarnate Embodied in human form
Carnal Relating to the physical and especially sexual appetites
Carnivorous Meat-Eating
Herbivorous Plant-Eating
Omnivorous Eating everything
Embodiment Material form
Omnipresent, Ubiquitous Existing everywhere
Omnipotent Having unlimited or universal power
Potent Powerful
Impotent Lacking physical strength
Sterile Infertile Fallow Barren Incapable of producing offspring
Desolate Deserted, devoid of inhabitants
Omniscient Knowing everything
Inept Without skill or aptitude for a particular task or assignment
Inapt ?Not prone to, inappropriate
Blatant Flagrant Noticable, evident
Fragrant Having a pleasant scent or aroma
Redolent Reminding something of
Retrospect Contemplation of the past
Naive Credulous Gullible pure, showing unaffected simplicity, easily deceived
Stanch to stop the flow
Obdurate Obstinate Intransigent Stubborn, unmoved by persuasion
Lugubrious mournful, dismal, gloomy
Morose Gloomily or sullenly ill-humored
Plaintive Expressing sorrow
Tautological Reiteratical
Reproach To find fault/blame
Coquettish (Woman) Characteristically flirtatious
Precocious Mature in development
Pedagogy Way of teaching
Whimsical Volatile Mercurial Changable capricious
Opportunistic Seeing an opportunity (negative connotation)
monotonous Lacking in variety
Presumptions Assuming of something as true
Grandiloquent Bombastic Speaking or expressed in a lofty style
Deluge A great flood of water
Torrent A stream of water flowing with great rapidity & violence
Unruffled Calm, not emotionally upset or agitated
Incongruous out of keeping or place, inappropriate
Pliant Supple Lithe being readily, flexible
Cantankerous Disagreeable to deal with
Melodious Euphony accordance
Dissonance Discordant not being harmonious
Malleable Capable of being extended
Curmudgeon Bad-Tempered person
Histrionic Overly Dramatic
Contend Argue
Content Satisfied
Contentious Argumentative
Heinous Wicked
Ebullient overly enthusiastic
Irate Extremely angry
Cognition of thought
Cognizant fully informed
Reticent Inclined to keep one's thought to oneself
Reclusive Hermit Unrealized
Bedazzle To amaze and to impress/ sparkle
Quixotic Romantic, idealistic
Confounded Bewildered To become confused or perplexed
Intractable Restive Recalcitrant Hard to control
Decorum Good mannered
Docile Submissive, subservient, obsequious
Acquiesce To agree without protest
Flatter Fawn Sycophant a person who is overly flattering
Ingratiate to bring into the favor of good grace of another
Cathartic lexiable Letting off one's emotion
Purge To clear something
Sanguine 1. Reddish 2. Cheerfully optimistic
Blithe Carefree, lighthearted
Mortified Embarrassed
Remunerate To compensate
Repudiate To reject
Promulgate To spread
Versatile Capable of doing many things
Bout To fight
Muster To find and bring forth
Squander To enervate
Equivocal Ambiguous
Proscribe To ban
Disclaimer Warning
Estranged To be isolated
Stoic Dispassionate
contention argument
beneficence Generosity
Indolent lazy
Insolent rude/brazenly bold
Transient Evanescent
Burnished literally polished
Inviolable Can't be violated
Timorous Easily scared
Exculpable To free from blame
Heart-rendering/ Heart-ranching touched
Unassailable absolute/ can not be touched
culpable guilty
Exonerate To completely free from blame
Ineluctable Not to be avoided
Created by: Sungwon
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