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The Endocrine System

Acromegaly chronic metabolic condition characterized by gradual noticeable enlargement and elongation of the facial bones, jaw and extremities due to over secretion of the pituitary gland after puberty
Gestational Diabetes condition occurring during pregnancy; inability to metabolize carbohydrates due to insulin deficiency and elevated blood sugar levels
Diabetes Insipidus condition due to deficiency in antidiuretic hormone by the posterior pituitary gland with large amounts of urine and sodium being secreted
Dwarfism growth retardation due to human growth hormone deficiency before puberty
Gigantism overgrowth of body tissue due to hypersecretion of human growth hormone before puberty causing abnormal growth of the long bones
Simple, Non-toxic Goiter hyperplasia of the thyroid gland due to deficient iodine in the diet
Myxedema most severe form of hypothyroidism characterized by puffy appearance and thick tongue
Hyperthyroidism known as Grave's disease
Thyroid Storm thyrotoxicosis
Cushing's Syndrome adrenal condition with these symptoms; obesity "moon" face, edema, hypertension, muscle weakness, poor wound healing, low potassium and emotional changes
Addison's Disease life-threatening adrenal cortex disease, symptoms; low blood glucose and sodium, weight loss, dehydration, G.I. disturbances, increased pigmentation of skin, cold intolerance, anxiety and depression
Diabetes Mellitus Pancreatic disorder
Glycosuria sugar in the urine
Virilism Development of secondary male sex traits in women, cause; excessive adrenocortical androgen's from adrenal cortex
Adenohypophysis anterior pituitary gland
Cretinism Congenital condition caused by lack of thyroid secretion, characterized by; dwarfism, slowed mental development, puffy facial feature, dry skin and large tongue
Endocrine Gland ductless gland; produces hormone secreted directly in to the blood stream
Exophthalmia marked outward protrusion of the eyeballs
Diabetic Retinopathy consequence of long-term diabetes mellitus in which capillaries of the retina experience microaneurysms, hemorrhages and scarring
Euthyroid normally functioning thyroid
Hypercalcemia Elevated blood calcium level
Hyperkalemia elevated blood potassium level
Glycogenesis conversion of excess glucose into glycogen for storage int he liver as needed
Hyperglycemia elevated blood sugar level
Hypernatremia elevated blood sodium level
Hypocalcemia less than normal blood calcium level
Hypoglycemia less than normal blood sugar level
Hypokalemia less than normal blood potassium level
Hyponatremia less than normal blood sodium level
Polyuria excretion of excessive amounts of urine
Insulin Shock shock as a result of extremely low blood sugar levels
Medulla internal part of a structure organ
Metabolism sum of all physical and chemical processes that take place in the body
Polydipsia excessive thirst
Oxytocin hormone secreted by posterior pituitary gland, stimulates contractions of uterus during childbirth and stimulates milk release from the breasts of lactating women
Growth Hormone somatotropic hormone
Syndrome group of symptoms, indicative of a particular disease or abnormality
Tetany condition of complication of hypocalcemia, symptoms; severe cramping and twitching of muscles, sharp flexion of wrist and ankle joints
Hyperinsulinism Excessive insulin in the body
Endocrinology study of diseases and disorders of the endocrine system
Glucagon pancreatic hormone secretion which stimulates the liver to convert glycogen to glucose and release into the blood stream
Glycogenolysis break down of stored sugar (starch) in to simple sugar
Androgens aka male steroid hormones
Serum Glucose Tests blood tests that measure the amount of glucose in the blood at the time the sample was drawn
Glucose Tolerance Test test which evaluates a person's ability to tolerate a concetrated glucose load by measuring glucose levels prior to dose, 30 minutes, one hour, two hours and three hours later.
Thyroid Scan position, size, function of thyroid
Created by: anna0526
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