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SAT Words

Words from 1000 Binder

bombastic (adj) excessively confident, pompous, pretentious
abrogate (v) to abolish usually by authority
amenable (adj) willing, compliant
antithesis (n) opposite
archetype (n) typical example of a person or thing
arrogate (v) to take without justification
aspersion (n) false misleading charge meant to hurt someone's reputation
canny (adj) prudent, shrewd, careful
circuitous (adj) roundabout
collusion (n) secret agreement, conspiracy
complacency (n) self-satisfied ignorance of danger
complicit (adj) being an accomplice in a wrongful act
confluence (n) coming, meeting, gathering
congruity (n) quality of being in agreement
consign (v) to give something over to another's care
constrain (v) to forcibly restrict
construe (v) to interpret
contravene (v) to contradict, oppose, violate
coup (n) 1. brilliant and unexpected act 2. overthrow of government and assumption of authority
deplore (v) to feel or express sorrow, disapproval
effrontery (n) insolence, nerve, impudence
exculpate (v) to free from guilt or blame, exonerate
expiate (v) atone, to make amends for
expurgate (v) to remove the offensive or incorrect parts from a book
felicitous (adj) 1. well-suited, apt 2. delightful, pleasing
fatuous (adj) silly, foolish
forestall (v) to thwart, prevent, delay
fractious (adj) irritable, troublesome
grievous (adj) injurious, hurtful, serious or grave in nature
immutable (adj) incapable of changing
impassive (adj) stoic, not susceptible to suffering
impecunious (adj) poor, impoverished
incorrigible (adj) incapable of being corrected, changed
incontrovertible (adj) indisputable
inexorable (adj) incapable of being persuaded or placated
ingenuous (adj)innocent, candid, not devious
inimical (adj) hostile, enemy-like
iniquity (n) sin, wickedness
intransigent (adj)refusing to compromise often on an extreme opinion
irrevocable (adj) unable to be taken back
manifold (adj) diverse, varied
modulate (v) to pass from one state of another
multifarious (adj) having great diversity or variety
palliate (v) to reduce the severity of
pellucid (adj) clear, easily intelligible
vituperate (v) to berate
vicissitude (n) events that occur by chance
vapid (adj) dull, lacking liveliness
temerity (n) audacity, recklessness
temperance (n) moderation in action or thought
staid (adj) sedate, serious, self-restrained
stolid (adj) unemotional, expressing little sensibility
scurrilous (adj) coarse, vulgar
semaphore (n) visual signal
sobriety (n) sedate, calm
solipsistic (adj) believing oneself is all that exists
pertinacious (adj) stubbornly persistent
portent (n) omen
poignant (adj) moving, deeply affecting
prescribe (v) to lay down as a law or rule
proscribe (v) to outlaw, condemn
presumptuous (adj) disrespectfully bold
profligate (adj) dissolute, extravagant
propitious (adj) favorable
protean (adj) capable of changing shape, displaying great variety
quixotic (adj) impractical, idealistic
recalcitrant (adj) defiant, unapologetic
renunciation (n) act of rejecting something
requisition (n) demand for goods usually made by an authority
redoubtable (adj) formidable, commanding respect
sacrosanct (adj) sacred, holy, something that should not be criticized
sanguine (adj) cheery, optimistic
sanctimonious (adj) giving a hypocritical appearance of piety
Created by: bellephant
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